上传日期:2008-09-07 10:42:52
上 传 者xiaochengxuyuan
说明:   At can be given its arguments in a file. You can comment out lines by preceding them with either # or - characters. This is an easy way to temporarily disable some commands. The CONTINUE-command is most useful at the end of the file. When this command is read, the file is started again from the beginning. You can use it situations where the machine is not shut down for the night and you want to run some commands every day.
( At can be given its arguments in a file. You can comment out lines by preceding them with either# or- characters. This is an easy way to temporarily disable some commands. The CONTINUE-command is most useful at the end of the file. When this command is read, the file is started again from the beginning. You can use it situations where the machine is not shut down for the night and you want to run some commands every day.)

OSTOOL (0, 2004-09-06)
OSTOOL\00_INDEX.TXT (46, 1993-11-27)
OSTOOL\ALARM.C (12330, 1992-08-27)
OSTOOL\ALARM.EXE (20750, 1992-08-27)
OSTOOL\ALARM.MAK (500, 1992-08-13)
OSTOOL\ALARM.TXT (1170, 1992-08-13)
OSTOOL\ALARMFLE.TXT (1777, 1992-08-13)
OSTOOL\ALERT.C (1058, 1992-08-25)
OSTOOL\AT.C (6338, 1992-08-13)
OSTOOL\AT.EXE (34140, 1992-08-13)
OSTOOL\AT.MAK (431, 1992-08-13)
OSTOOL\AT.TXT (1314, 1992-08-13)
OSTOOL\ATFILE.TXT (1681, 1992-08-13)
OSTOOL\BELL.C (2836, 1992-08-27)
OSTOOL\BELL.EXE (29460, 1992-08-27)
OSTOOL\BELL.MAK (424, 1992-08-05)
OSTOOL\BELL.TXT (1154, 1992-08-27)
OSTOOL\BELLDEMO.BAT (410, 1992-08-30)
OSTOOL\BELLDEMO.CMD (410, 1992-08-30)
OSTOOL\BLANK.C (1209, 1991-07-11)
OSTOOL\BLANK.DOC (1536, 1991-09-06)
OSTOOL\BLANK.EXE (3611, 1992-08-25)
OSTOOL\BLANK.MAK (310, 1992-08-25)
OSTOOL\BLANK.TXT (1004, 1992-08-25)
OSTOOL\BLANKER.C (5310, 1991-08-12)
OSTOOL\BLANKER.DOC (2048, 1991-09-06)
OSTOOL\BLANKER.EXE (12572, 1992-08-25)
OSTOOL\BLANKER.MAK (341, 1992-08-25)
OSTOOL\BLANKER.TXT (1252, 1992-08-25)
OSTOOL\BORDER.C (2762, 1992-08-08)
OSTOOL\BORDER.EXE (28108, 1992-08-08)
OSTOOL\BORDER.MAK (448, 1992-08-08)
OSTOOL\BORDER.TXT (950, 1992-08-08)
OSTOOL\CAT.DEF (143, 1992-08-24)
OSTOOL\CAT.EXE (35594, 1992-08-24)
OSTOOL\CAT.MAK (553, 1992-08-24)
OSTOOL\CAT.TXT (1553, 1992-08-24)
OSTOOL\CG376_1I.000 (1, 1980-01-01)
OSTOOL\CG376_2I.000 (1, 1980-01-01)
OSTOOL\CG376_3I.000 (1, 1980-01-01)
... ...

To install OS/2 Tools program, 1). Copy the all files in 4 diskettes into one directory, say OS2. 2). Execute MERGE program in OS2 c:\os2> merge os2tool os2tool.zip 3). Execute UNZIP command in OS2 c:\os2> unzip os2tool 4). Delete files os2tool.zip, os2tool.000, os2tool.001, os2tool.002 and os2tool.003. Then all the files lie in OS2 directory.


