开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2008-12-06 17:02:00
上 传 者5566778
说明:  在一个圆形操场的四周摆放着n 堆石子。现要将石子有次序地合并成一堆。规定每次只能选相邻的2 堆石子合并成新的一堆,并将新的一堆石子数记为该次合并的得分。试设计一个算法,计算出将n堆石子合并成一堆的最小得分和最大得分。 例如,图1所示的4堆石,每堆石子数(从最上面的一堆数起,顺时针数)依次为4、5、9、4。则3次合并得分总和最小的方案为图2,得分总和最大的方案为图3。 编程任务: 对于给定n堆石子,编程计算合并成一堆的最小得分和最大得分。
(Playground in a circle around the stones are placed n heap. Stone is to have the order to merge into a pile. Provisions can only choose 2 adjacent stones piled into a heap of new and new pile of stones a few in mind for its combined score. Try to design an algorithm to calculate the n heap into a pile of stones the minimum scores and maximum scores. For example, shown in Figure 1 of 4 Rockfill, each pile a few stones (from the top of a pile of several cases, clockwise number) followed by 4,5,9,4. 3 times the combined score is the sum of the smallest program for the Figure 2, the sum of scores for the largest program of Figure 3. Programming tasks: for a given n stack stone, into a pile of programming the calculation of the minimum scores and maximum scores.)

gui2石子.txt (2095, 2008-10-31)
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