
上传日期:2009-03-12 11:14:31
上 传 者zmgo
说明:  AP算法的改进,添加监督策略,能更好的形成聚类结果,并有其演示程序
(AP algorithm, add the supervision strategy, the formation of a better clustering results, and have its demo program)

ap_semisupervised\4k2_far.txt (6726, 2006-10-26)
ap_semisupervised\apcluster.m (11980, 2007-04-20)
ap_semisupervised\apcluster_imp.m (10103, 2007-04-20)
ap_semisupervised\Copyright.txt (1509, 2007-04-20)
ap_semisupervised\ind2cluster.m (227, 2007-04-05)
ap_semisupervised\leuk72_3k.txt (20832, 2006-12-11)
ap_semisupervised\similarity_euclid.m (759, 2007-04-12)
ap_semisupervised\similarity_pearson.m (479, 2007-02-23)
ap_semisupervised\similarity_pearsonC.m (556, 2007-03-03)
ap_semisupervised\test_APclustering.m (2785, 2007-04-20)
ap_semisupervised\valid_errorate.m (843, 2007-04-10)
ap_semisupervised\valid_external.m (1370, 2007-04-17)
ap_semisupervised\valid_sumpearson.m (926, 2007-03-06)
ap_semisupervised\valid_sumsqures.m (1375, 2007-03-06)
ap_semisupervised (0, 2009-03-12)

Help file of Semi-supervised Affinity Propagation clustering (Version 1.0) Affinity propagation clustering (AP) is a clustering algorithm proposed in "Brendan J. Frey and Delbert Dueck. Clustering by Passing Messages Between Data Points. Science 315, 972 (2007)". It has some advantages: speed, general applicability, and suitable for large number of clusters. Semi-supervised AP improves AP by: embedding Silhouette indices into the programs of AP to supervise the running of AP, so that the AP will give its optimal clustering solution. The programs of semi-supervised AP are suitable for the person who has interests in studying or improving AP algorithm, and then the semi-supervised AP may be an example for reference. You are suggested to try another improved Affinity Propagation clustering --- "Adaptive Affinity Propagation clustering", available from: http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/loadAuthor.do?objectType=author&objectId=1095267 Your tests and comments are helpful and welcome (E-mail: wangkjun@yahoo.com). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This software is distributed under the LGPL license. (see Copyright.txt) Copyright (C) 2007. Last modified: July 27, 2008


