
开发工具:Visual Basic
上传日期:2009-10-08 23:49:36
上 传 者就不告诉你啊
说明:  这也是一个基于网络抓包捕获的源代码,支持应用层数据包的抓取分析。程序基于第三方组件VBPCAP.DLL。支持实时抓取,IPV4报头,以太网报头,帧报头获取分析。目前测试基于局域网,无线网卡好像无法捕获,正在研究中。 程序需要用到VBPCAP.DLL,这个文件感觉有些问题,程序每次退出时VB会崩溃,整个源代码功能上还是不错,给大家参考下。
(This is also a web-based Ethereal to capture the source code, support for application layer data packets crawl analysis. Program is based on third-party components VBPCAP.DLL. Support real-time crawling, IPV4 header, Ethernet header, frame header for analysis. Based on the current testing local area network, wireless network card seems to not be caught under study. Program needs to use VBPCAP.DLL, feels there are some problems in this document, the program will crash every exit VB, the entire source code function was good for everyone to refer to the following.)

mod_get_header.bas (1755, 2009-09-21)
mod_get_proto.bas (3130, 2009-09-21)
mod_handle_packet.bas (5346, 2009-09-21)
mod_proto_icmp.bas (1129, 2009-09-21)
mod_proto_tcp.bas (1207, 2009-09-21)
mod_proto_udp.bas (1178, 2009-09-21)
mod_types.bas (1643, 2009-09-21)
mod_vars.bas (1254, 2009-09-21)
Project1.vbp (1488, 2009-09-21)
Project1.vbw (363, 2009-09-18)
VBPCAP.DLL (233472, 2003-11-11)
packetvb-\Licence.txt (1441, 2003-11-11)
packetvb-\vbPCap.dll (233472, 2003-11-11)
VBPCAP\VBPCAP.DLL (86016, 2008-08-12)
vbPCap.dll src\HOW TO COMPILE.DOC (24576, 2004-01-12)
vbPCap.dll src\Licence.txt (24850, 2003-09-29)
vbPCap.dll src\Origine1.idl (2630, 2004-01-12)
vbPCap.dll src\Origine1_i.c (1794, 2004-01-12)
vbPCap.dll src\resource.h (416, 2003-11-19)
vbPCap.dll src\stdafx.cpp (315, 2003-11-11)
vbPCap.dll src\stdafx.h (390, 2003-11-18)
vbPCap.dll src\VBInterop.h (1193, 2004-01-12)
vbPCap.dll src\vbpcap.h (3975, 2004-01-12)
vbPCap.dll src\vbpcapRC.aps (17584, 2003-11-19)
vbPCap.dll src\VPCAPCPP.APS (33788, 2004-01-12)
vbPCap.dll src\VPCAPCPP.cpp (11926, 2004-01-12)
vbPCap.dll src\VPCAPCPP.def (346, 2003-11-19)
vbPCap.dll src\VPCAPCPP.dsp (3425, 2009-09-11)
vbPCap.dll src\VPCAPCPP.dsw (541, 2009-09-11)
vbPCap.dll src\VPCAPCPP.ncb (33792, 2009-09-11)
vbPCap.dll src\VPCAPCPP.opt (48640, 2009-09-11)
vbPCap.dll src\VPCAPCPP.plg (1209, 2009-09-11)
vbPCap.dll src\VPCAPCPP.rc (2489, 2004-01-12)
vbPCap.dll src\VPCAPCPP.sln (916, 2003-11-11)
vbPCap.dll src\VPCAPCPP.suo (11264, 2004-01-12)
vbPCap.dll src\VPCAPCPP.vcproj (4788, 2004-01-12)
Form1.frm (35971, 2009-09-21)
Form1.frx (2250, 2009-09-21)
icon.ico (2238, 2002-11-21)
memory_functions.bas (1287, 2009-09-21)
... ...


