上传日期:2010-10-03 10:56:34
上 传 者2562834
说明:  用FPGA驱动VGA显示器并控制VGA显示部分俄罗斯方块以及横条、竖条、棋盘格等
(Driving with FPGA VGA VGA display and control the display part of the Russian box and bar, vertical bar, checkerboard, etc.)

RGB\yxy.cdf (280, 2009-07-16)
RGB\yxy.qpf (938, 2009-07-15)
RGB\yxy.done (26, 2010-09-30)
RGB\ (157545, 2009-07-16)
RGB\ (588, 2010-09-30)
RGB\ (96126, 2009-07-16)
RGB\ (452, 2010-09-30)
RGB\ (27416, 2010-09-30)
RGB\yxy.pof (524474, 2010-09-30)
RGB\yxy.qsf (3113, 2010-09-30)
RGB\yxy.sof (240775, 2010-09-30)
RGB\yxy.tan.summary (1470, 2010-09-30)
RGB\cmp_state.ini (3, 2009-07-16)
RGB\yxy_assignment_defaults.qdf (42611, 2010-08-29)
RGB\db\yxy_cmp.qrpt (0, 2009-07-15)
RGB\db\yxy.db_info (137, 2010-08-29)
RGB\db\yxy.cbx.xml (85, 2010-09-30)
RGB\db\yxy.hif (728, 2010-09-30)
RGB\db\yxy.(0).cnf.cdb (21852, 2010-09-30)
RGB\db\yxy.(0).cnf.hdb (4026, 2010-09-30)
RGB\db\yxy.hier_info (882, 2010-09-30)
RGB\db\yxy.syn_hier_info (0, 2010-09-30)
RGB\db\ (10302, 2010-09-30)
RGB\db\prev_cmp_yxy.qmsg (10302, 2010-09-30)
RGB\db\ (10302, 2010-09-30)
RGB\db\yxy.rtlv_sg.cdb (22974, 2010-09-30)
RGB\db\yxy.rtlv.hdb (13939, 2010-09-30)
RGB\db\yxy.rtlv_sg_swap.cdb (178, 2010-09-30)
RGB\db\yxy.lpc.txt (1060, 2010-09-30)
RGB\db\yxy.lpc.html (430, 2010-09-30)
RGB\db\yxy.lpc.rdb (385, 2010-09-30)
RGB\db\yxy.pre_map.hdb (13946, 2010-09-30)
RGB\db\yxy.pre_map.cdb (23025, 2010-09-30)
RGB\db\ (4, 2010-09-30)
RGB\db\yxy.sgdiff.cdb (28055, 2010-09-30)
RGB\db\yxy.sgdiff.hdb (14442, 2010-09-30)
RGB\db\yxy.sld_design_entry_dsc.sci (154, 2010-09-30)
RGB\db\ (28991, 2010-09-30)
RGB\db\ (17937, 2010-09-30)
RGB\db\ (47705, 2010-09-30)
... ...

This folder contains data for incremental compilation. The compiled_partitions sub-folder contains previous compilation results for each partition. As long as this folder is preserved, incremental compilation results from earlier compiles can be re-used. To perform a clean compilation from source files for all partitions, both the db and incremental_db folder should be removed. The imported_partitions sub-folder contains the last imported QXP for each imported partition. As long as this folder is preserved, imported partitions will be automatically re-imported when the db or incremental_db/compiled_partitions folders are removed.


