
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2011-03-19 16:23:02
上 传 者hbyc520
说明:   给定一张航空图,图中项点代表城市,边代表两城市之间的直通航线。现要求找出一条满足下述限制条件且途经城市最多的旅行路线: (1) 从最西端城市出发,单向从西向东途经若干城市到达最东端城市,然后再从东向西飞回起点(可途经若干个城市) (2) 除起点城市外,任何城市只能访问一次。 对于给定的航空图,请设计一个算法找出一条满足要求的最佳航空路线。
(Given an aviation map, map key points on behalf of the city, while on behalf of direct flights between the two cities. Are now required to find a meet the following restrictions and most of the travel route through the city: (1) starting from the western end of the city, one-way from west to east through several cities in the easternmost city of arrival, and then fly back to the starting point from east to west (can be via a number of cities) (2) In addition to the starting point outside the city, any city can only access once. For a given air map, designed to meet the requirements of an algorithm to find a best air route.)

航空路线\航空路线\Debug\BuildLog.htm (6098, 2011-03-19)
航空路线\航空路线\Debug\vc90.idb (101376, 2011-03-19)
航空路线\航空路线\Debug\vc90.pdb (258048, 2011-03-19)
航空路线\航空路线\Debug\航空路线.exe.embed.manifest (2048, 2011-03-19)
航空路线\航空路线\main.cpp (8898, 2011-03-19)
航空路线\航空路线\航空路线.vcproj (3918, 2011-03-19)
航空路线\航空路线\航空路线.vcproj.WWW-9C81DB4521C.Administrator.user (1427, 2011-03-19)
航空路线\航空路线.ncb (1518592, 2011-03-19)
航空路线\航空路线.sln (902, 2011-03-19)
航空路线\航空路线.suo (22016, 2011-03-19)
航空路线\航空路线\Debug (0, 2011-03-19)
航空路线\航空路线 (0, 2011-03-19)
航空路线 (0, 2011-03-19)


