开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2011-04-15 10:24:12
上 传 者shuaihong
说明:  PGF滤波:该方法主要思想是只找出滤波窗口中与中心像素距离特征相近的邻域像素作为同组成员参加滤波。 首先根据滤波窗口中邻域像素与原像素特征距离值进行升序排列,再通过 Fisher 判别找出该像素的同组成员,即与中心像素特征值最相近的点; 然后用滤波窗口中属于同组成员像素的加权特征值代替原来中心像素特征值。
(PGF Filtering: This method is only to identify the main idea with the center pixel in filter window from the neighboring pixels with similar characteristics as members of the same group filtering. Firstly, according to neighbor pixels in the filter window with the original pixel values ​ ​ of characteristic distance in ascending order, and through the Fisher discriminant to identify the members of the same group of pixels, the characteristics of the central pixel value with the closest point then use the filter window belong to the same group members weighted feature values ​ ​ of pixels instead of the original features of the center pixel value.)

IPLib\ChooseDlg.cpp (1028, 2010-07-24)
IPLib\ChooseDlg.h (1230, 2010-07-24)
IPLib\Figure.cpp (1484, 2008-07-20)
IPLib\Figure.h (1505, 2008-07-20)
IPLib\Image.h (1615, 2010-07-26)
IPLib\ImageDataset.cpp (1195, 2010-07-21)
IPLib\ImageDisplay.cpp (4283, 2010-07-22)
IPLib\ImageIO.cpp (2050, 2010-07-21)
IPLib\IPLib.clw (2369, 2010-07-27)
IPLib\IPLib.cpp (2049, 2008-07-19)
IPLib\IPLib.dsp (5181, 2010-07-24)
IPLib\IPLib.dsw (535, 2008-07-19)
IPLib\IPLib.h (1313, 2008-07-19)
IPLib\IPLib.ncb (197632, 2010-07-27)
IPLib\IPLib.plg (1064, 2010-07-27)
IPLib\IPLib.sln (874, 2010-07-20)
IPLib\IPLib.suo (39424, 2010-07-23)
IPLib\IPLib.vcproj (10596, 2010-07-23)
IPLib\IPLib.vcproj.HENRY-PC.Administrator.user (1413, 2010-07-23)
IPLib\IPLibDlg.h (1638, 2010-07-26)
IPLib\IPLibPCADlg.cpp (1224, 2010-07-23)
IPLib\IPLibPCADlg.h (433, 2010-07-23)
IPLib\Matrix.cpp (3693, 2010-07-22)
IPLib\Matrix.h (546, 2010-07-22)
IPLib\resource.h (1463, 2010-07-26)
IPLib\StdAfx.cpp (207, 2008-07-19)
IPLib\StdAfx.h (1054, 2008-07-19)
IPLib\IPLibDlg.cpp (5924, 2010-07-26)
IPLib\ImgeProcessing.cpp (13897, 2010-07-27)
IPLib\_lib\gdal_i.lib (830660, 2007-12-24)
IPLib\_lib\nrcLib.lib (2840, 2010-07-23)
IPLib\_include\cpl_config.h (2407, 2007-12-17)
IPLib\_include\cpl_conv.h (10807, 2007-12-14)
IPLib\_include\cpl_csv.h (2703, 2007-01-17)
IPLib\_include\cpl_error.h (4662, 2007-08-26)
IPLib\_include\cpl_http.h (2520, 2007-07-23)
IPLib\_include\cpl_list.h (2815, 2007-01-17)
IPLib\_include\cpl_minixml.h (6634, 2007-09-11)
IPLib\_include\cpl_multiproc.h (4438, 2007-12-05)
... ...


