
上传日期:2011-06-23 01:52:19
上 传 者dream002
说明:  是基于WDF写的一个实现虚拟磁盘驱动,用部分内存虚拟出一个硬盘(实际不存在的银盘)。 Ramdisk又叫虚拟磁盘或者内存盘,由于内存具有很高的速度,远远高于新出的SSD及传统主流的机械硬盘,于是便有人提出了用内存来替代硬盘的方法,这便是ramdisk。
(Is based on the WDF to write a virtual disk drive, some memory with a virtual hard disk (the actual silver does not exist). Ramdisk memory is called virtual disks or disk, because the memory has a very high speed, much higher than the new out of the mainstream SSD and traditional mechanical hard disk, so it was suggested to replace the hard drive with the memory method, which is the ramdisk.)

ramdisk_wdf\buildchk_wnet_x86.log (566, 2009-04-28)
ramdisk_wdf\buildfre_wnet_x86.log (566, 2009-04-28)
ramdisk_wdf\Debug\BuildLog.htm (4270, 2011-03-23)
ramdisk_wdf\makefile (267, 2008-01-18)
ramdisk_wdf\makefile.inc (225, 2008-01-18)
ramdisk_wdf\my_build.bat (177, 2009-04-28)
ramdisk_wdf\my_clean.bat (111, 2008-12-11)
ramdisk_wdf\ramdisk.c (26046, 2010-10-22)
ramdisk_wdf\ramdisk.h (5339, 2008-01-18)
ramdisk_wdf\ramdisk.htm (21632, 2008-01-18)
ramdisk_wdf\ramdisk.inx (2835, 2008-01-18)
ramdisk_wdf\ramdisk.rc (319, 2008-01-18)
ramdisk_wdf\ramdisk_wdf.vcproj (2644, 2010-10-15)
ramdisk_wdf\ramdisk_wdf.vcproj.7.10.old (1998, 2009-04-28)
ramdisk_wdf\ramdisk_wdf.vcproj.JINGSI-YZH.yinzonghua.user (1417, 2011-05-11)
ramdisk_wdf\sources (324, 2009-04-28)
ramdisk_wdf\Debug (0, 2010-12-29)
ramdisk_wdf (0, 2010-12-29)

======================================================================== MAKEFILE PROJECT : ramdisk_wdf Project Overview ======================================================================== AppWizard has created this ramdisk_wdf project for you. This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files that make up your ramdisk_wdf project. ramdisk_wdf.vcproj This is the main project file for VC++ projects generated using an Application Wizard. It contains information about the version of Visual C++ that generated the file, and information about the platforms, configurations, and project features selected with the Application Wizard. This project allows you to build/clean/rebuild from within Visual Studio by calling the commands you have input in the wizard. The build command can be nmake or any other tool you use. This project does not contain any files, so there are none displayed in Solution Explorer. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


