
上传日期:2012-04-08 22:54:54
上 传 者quanguocode
说明:  里面有一篇关于子空间辨识的论文,并配合相应的程序代码,对学习子空间辨识很有帮助
(Inside there is a subspace identification papers, and with the appropriate code on the Learning Subspace Identification ,it is very uesful.)

vanoverschee\Subspace Identification for Linear Systems(国外博士论文).pdf (1478275, 2012-03-27)
vanoverschee\vanoverschee\APPLIC\allord.m (1213, 1997-02-19)
vanoverschee\vanoverschee\APPLIC\appl1.m (4271, 1997-02-19)
vanoverschee\vanoverschee\APPLIC\appl1.mat (44876, 1997-02-19)
vanoverschee\vanoverschee\APPLIC\appl10.m (4111, 1997-02-19)
vanoverschee\vanoverschee\APPLIC\appl10.mat (40364, 1997-02-19)
vanoverschee\vanoverschee\APPLIC\appl2.m (4107, 1997-02-19)
vanoverschee\vanoverschee\APPLIC\appl2.mat (16044, 1997-02-19)
vanoverschee\vanoverschee\APPLIC\appl3.m (4257, 1997-02-19)
vanoverschee\vanoverschee\APPLIC\appl3.mat (89828, 1997-02-19)
vanoverschee\vanoverschee\APPLIC\appl4.m (4111, 1997-02-19)
vanoverschee\vanoverschee\APPLIC\appl4.mat (16428, 1997-02-19)
vanoverschee\vanoverschee\APPLIC\appl5.m (4521, 1997-02-19)
vanoverschee\vanoverschee\APPLIC\appl5.mat (16428, 1997-02-19)
vanoverschee\vanoverschee\APPLIC\appl6.m (4229, 1997-02-19)
vanoverschee\vanoverschee\APPLIC\appl6.mat (302684, 1997-02-19)
vanoverschee\vanoverschee\APPLIC\appl8.m (4504, 1997-02-19)
vanoverschee\vanoverschee\APPLIC\appl8.mat (65580, 1997-02-19)
vanoverschee\vanoverschee\APPLIC\appl9.m (4116, 1997-02-19)
vanoverschee\vanoverschee\APPLIC\appl9.mat (16044, 1997-02-19)
vanoverschee\vanoverschee\APPLIC\blkhank.m (691, 1997-02-19)
vanoverschee\vanoverschee\APPLIC\chkaux.m (1354, 1997-02-19)
vanoverschee\vanoverschee\APPLIC\com_alt.m (9362, 1997-02-19)
vanoverschee\vanoverschee\APPLIC\com_sim1.m (2500, 1997-02-19)
vanoverschee\vanoverschee\APPLIC\com_sim2.m (2780, 1997-02-19)
vanoverschee\vanoverschee\APPLIC\com_stat.m (9233, 1997-02-19)
vanoverschee\vanoverschee\APPLIC\det_alt.m (7142, 1997-02-19)
vanoverschee\vanoverschee\APPLIC\det_sim1.m (3257, 1997-02-19)
vanoverschee\vanoverschee\APPLIC\det_stat.m (7386, 1997-02-19)
vanoverschee\vanoverschee\APPLIC\gl2kr.m (797, 1997-02-19)
vanoverschee\vanoverschee\APPLIC\intersec.m (5400, 1997-02-19)
vanoverschee\vanoverschee\APPLIC\kr2gl.m (571, 1997-02-19)
vanoverschee\vanoverschee\APPLIC\mydisp.m (52, 1997-02-19)
vanoverschee\vanoverschee\APPLIC\myss2th.m (1164, 1997-02-19)
vanoverschee\vanoverschee\APPLIC\predic.m (3125, 1997-02-19)
vanoverschee\vanoverschee\APPLIC\project.m (6041, 1997-02-19)
vanoverschee\vanoverschee\APPLIC\show_res.m (2796, 1997-02-19)
vanoverschee\vanoverschee\APPLIC\simul.m (2413, 1997-02-19)
vanoverschee\vanoverschee\APPLIC\solvric.m (1314, 1997-02-19)
vanoverschee\vanoverschee\APPLIC\ss2obsv.m (251, 1997-02-19)
... ...

Subspace Identification ----------------------- This diskette goes together with the book: Subspace Identification for Linear Systems Theory - Implementation - Applications By Peter Van Overschee and Bart De Moor Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996 It contains all algorithms described in the book. Installation ------------ All algorithms in the book have been implemented in separate M-files. The research however culminated in the function subid.m which implements deterministic, stochastic and combined subspace identification. This function is an excellent place to start with. After you have copied the files from the diskette to your computer (for instance in the directory c:\subspace), you should include the directory ;subfun' in your path: > path(path,'c:\subspace\subfun'); Now change your directory to the 'examples' directory and run the demo file 'sta_demo.m': > cd c:\subspace\examples > sta_demo You will get a clear impression of what subspace identification algorithms can do. Now you are ready to rerun some of the applications. To run for instance the application of the flexible robot arm, do: > cd c:\subspace\applic > appl5 This will guide you through the demo and reproduce the results of the book. Now that you are at it, you could run some other applications in this directory. \nin You are now ready to try out your own problem. You could just use one of the subspace identification functions (for instance 'subid.m'. Alternatively, you could also copy and adapt one of the application M-files. Overview: --------- For practical applications, only the function 'subid' is of importance. The other subspace identification functions that are included, are more of an academic nature: Deterministic Identification: det_stat, det_alt, intersec, project / subid Stochastic Identification: sto_stat, sto_alt, sto_pos / subid Combined Identification: com_stat, com_alt / subid For more information on the stochastic identification, see the file examples/sto_demo.m. Notes: ------ It should be noted that there is still room to improve the speed and the memory usage of the algorithms, using for instance displacement structure algorithms for the RQ decomposition and Lanczos algorithms for the SVD. The algorithms that have been implemented on this diskette only use basic MATLAB commands (and no fancy optimized C-code). Feel free to improve, and let me know what you think: These M-files are User Contributed Routines which are being redistributed by The MathWorks, upon request, on an "as is" basis. A User Contributed Routine is not a product of The MathWorks, Inc. and The MathWorks assumes no responsibility for any errors that may exist in these routines.


