
上传日期:2012-07-11 10:18:47
上 传 者albert0711
说明:  纯javascript无损音频压缩解码器
(pure javascript audio decode)

ofmlabs-flac.js-b23dede (0, 2012-06-15)
ofmlabs-flac.js-b23dede\flac.js (97, 2012-06-15)
ofmlabs-flac.js-b23dede\src (0, 2012-06-15)
ofmlabs-flac.js-b23dede\src\decoder.js (16514, 2012-06-15)
ofmlabs-flac.js-b23dede\src\demuxer.js (6026, 2012-06-15)
ofmlabs-flac.js-b23dede\test.html (1195, 2012-06-15)
ofmlabs-flac.js-b23dede\vendor (0, 2012-06-15)
ofmlabs-flac.js-b23dede\vendor\aurora.js (0, 2012-06-15)

flac.js: A FLAC decoder in JavaScript ===================================== The Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC) is a widely used lossless audio codec, which means that the audio is compressed without any loss of quality. A decoded FLAC stream is bit-for-bit identical to the original uncompressed audio file. The JavaScript decoder was ported from the [FFMpeg project](http://ffmpeg.org/) and the demuxer is based on the original [FLAC documentation](http://flac.sourceforge.net/format.html). flac.js uses the [Aurora](https://github.com/ofmlabs/aurora.js) audio framework by ofmlabs to facilitate decoding and playback. ## Demo You can check out a [demo](http://labs.official.fm/codecs/flac/) alongside our other decoders [jsmad](http://github.com/ofmlabs/jsmad) (MP3), and [alac.js](http://github.com/ofmlabs/alac.js). Currently flac.js works properly in the latest versions of Firefox and Chrome, as well as Safari 6 beta. ## Authors flac.js was written by [@jensnockert](http://github.com/jensnockert) and [@devongovett](http://github.com/devongovett) of [ofmlabs](http://ofmlabs.org/). ## Building Currently, the [import](https://github.com/devongovett/import) module is used to build flac.js. You can run the development server by first installing `import` with npm, and then running it like this: sudo npm install import -g import flac.js -p 3030 You can also build a static version like this: import flac.js build.js Once it is running on port 3030, you can open test.html and select a flac file from your system to play back. ## License flac.js is licensed under the same terms as the original FLAC decoder in FFMpeg. The original license follows. FLAC.js is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. FLAC.js is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.


