
上传日期:2013-02-06 15:38:45
上 传 者sctianwei
说明:  osworkflow 开源工作流引擎,对需要学习工作流的童鞋很有帮助
(osworkflow open source workflow engine, and workflow of children' s shoes need to learn helpful)

osworkflow (0, 2013-02-05)
osworkflow\.classpath (4110, 2012-04-16)
osworkflow\.hgtags (340, 2012-04-16)
osworkflow\.hg_archival.txt (160, 2012-04-16)
osworkflow\.project (386, 2012-04-16)
osworkflow\build.properties (84, 2012-04-16)
osworkflow\build.xml (10965, 2012-04-16)
osworkflow\docs (0, 2013-02-05)
osworkflow\docs\1. Getting Started.html (1269, 2012-04-16)
osworkflow\docs\1. Your first workflow - Chinese.html (21199, 2012-04-16)
osworkflow\docs\1. Your first workflow.html (22543, 2012-04-16)
osworkflow\docs\1.1 Introduction.html (2908, 2012-04-16)
osworkflow\docs\1.2 Requirements.html (3399, 2012-04-16)
osworkflow\docs\1.3 Running the Example App.html (26904, 2012-04-16)
osworkflow\docs\1.4 Persistence Options.html (13980, 2012-04-16)
osworkflow\docs\1.5 Loading Workflow Definitions.html (4258, 2012-04-16)
osworkflow\docs\2. Integration with Other Modules.html (2893, 2012-04-16)
osworkflow\docs\2. Testing your workflow - Chinese.html (8191, 2012-04-16)
osworkflow\docs\2. Testing your workflow.html (9299, 2012-04-16)
osworkflow\docs\2.3 Spring framework.html (9280, 2012-04-16)
osworkflow\docs\2.8 Release Notes.html (83738, 2012-04-16)
osworkflow\docs\3. Further descriptor concepts - Chinese.html (9628, 2012-04-16)
osworkflow\docs\3. Further descriptor concepts.html (10472, 2012-04-16)
osworkflow\docs\3. Understanding OSWorkflow.html (1501, 2012-04-16)
osworkflow\docs\3.1 Workflow Definition.html (3134, 2012-04-16)
osworkflow\docs\3.2 Workflow Concepts.html (21608, 2012-04-16)
osworkflow\docs\3.2 Workflow Concepts_attachments (0, 2013-02-05)
osworkflow\docs\3.2 Workflow Concepts_attachments\actionfunctions.png (11229, 2012-04-16)
osworkflow\docs\3.2 Workflow Concepts_attachments\stepfunction.png (17118, 2012-04-16)
osworkflow\docs\3.3 Common and Global Actions.html (3057, 2012-04-16)
osworkflow\docs\3.4 Functions.html (2225, 2012-04-16)
osworkflow\docs\3.4.1 Java-based Functions.html (4967, 2012-04-16)
osworkflow\docs\3.4.2 BeanShell Functions.html (3851, 2012-04-16)
osworkflow\docs\3.4.3 BSF Functions.html (2397, 2012-04-16)
osworkflow\docs\3.4.4 Utility Functions.html (2969, 2012-04-16)
osworkflow\docs\3.5 Validators.html (2108, 2012-04-16)
osworkflow\docs\3.6 Registers.html (5019, 2012-04-16)
osworkflow\docs\3.7 Conditions.html (3071, 2012-04-16)
osworkflow\docs\3.8 SOAP Support.html (4193, 2012-04-16)
osworkflow\docs\4. GUI Designer.html (1242, 2012-04-16)
... ...

All osworkflow documentation now exists on the wiki found at: http://wiki.opensymphony.com/space/OSWorkflow ------------------------------------------------------------ A note about the OSWorkflow Graphical Designer: We hadn't planned on a graphical designer until OSWorkflow 3.0, but due to some hard work by some OSWorkflow end users, we were able to have a semi-working graphical designer for the 2.5.0 release, which has been improved significantly in 2.6.0 and 2.7.0 However, the designer is not yet 'production worthy' and should only with the appropriate cautionary measures. It might chew up your data, it might produce invalid descriptors, it might outright not work. We do encourage you though to give it a shot, and provide us with feedback! To run the designer, just run java -jar designer.jar


