
上传日期:2013-02-20 14:03:26
上 传 者Jeffrey0420
说明:  实现pwm波的输出,按键可调占空比的,可通过连接pwm输出值led灯以检测占空比的变化
(To realize the output of the PWM wave, key adjustable duty ratio, but through the connection PWM output value led lamp with testing duty ratio changes )

pwm\db\ (2702, 2013-02-20)
pwm\db\prev_cmp_pwm.qmsg (2938, 2013-02-20)
pwm\db\pwm.(0).cnf.cdb (2791, 2013-02-20)
pwm\db\pwm.(0).cnf.hdb (1284, 2013-02-20)
pwm\db\pwm.asm.qmsg (2178, 2013-02-20)
pwm\db\pwm.asm_labs.ddb (1496, 2013-02-20)
pwm\db\pwm.cbx.xml (85, 2013-02-20)
pwm\db\pwm.cmp.cdb (9755, 2013-02-20)
pwm\db\pwm.cmp.hdb (7401, 2013-02-20)
pwm\db\pwm.cmp.kpt (334, 2013-02-20)
pwm\db\pwm.cmp.logdb (4, 2013-02-20)
pwm\db\pwm.cmp.rdb (17939, 2013-02-20)
pwm\db\pwm.cmp.tdb (9993, 2013-02-20)
pwm\db\pwm.cmp0.ddb (28718, 2013-02-20)
pwm\db\pwm.db_info (137, 2013-02-20)
pwm\db\ (161, 2013-02-20)
pwm\db\ (32316, 2013-02-20)
pwm\db\pwm.hier_info (853, 2013-02-20)
pwm\db\pwm.hif (730, 2013-02-20)
pwm\db\pwm.lpc.html (430, 2013-02-20)
pwm\db\pwm.lpc.rdb (385, 2013-02-20)
pwm\db\pwm.lpc.txt (1060, 2013-02-20)
pwm\db\ (3622, 2013-02-20)
pwm\db\ (6976, 2013-02-20)
pwm\db\ (4, 2013-02-20)
pwm\db\ (4924, 2013-02-20)
pwm\db\pwm.pre_map.cdb (2419, 2013-02-20)
pwm\db\pwm.pre_map.hdb (6834, 2013-02-20)
pwm\db\pwm.rtlv.hdb (6832, 2013-02-20)
pwm\db\pwm.rtlv_sg.cdb (2333, 2013-02-20)
pwm\db\pwm.rtlv_sg_swap.cdb (178, 2013-02-20)
pwm\db\pwm.sgdiff.cdb (3067, 2013-02-20)
pwm\db\pwm.sgdiff.hdb (6944, 2013-02-20)
pwm\db\pwm.sld_design_entry.sci (154, 2013-02-20)
pwm\db\pwm.sld_design_entry_dsc.sci (154, 2013-02-20)
pwm\db\pwm.syn_hier_info (0, 2013-02-20)
pwm\db\pwm.tan.qmsg (32939, 2013-02-20)
pwm\db\pwm.tis_db_list.ddb (174, 2013-02-20)
pwm\db\pwm_global_asgn_op.abo (48308, 2013-02-20)
pwm\incremental_db\compiled_partitions\ (11405, 2013-02-20)
... ...

This folder contains data for incremental compilation. The compiled_partitions sub-folder contains previous compilation results for each partition. As long as this folder is preserved, incremental compilation results from earlier compiles can be re-used. To perform a clean compilation from source files for all partitions, both the db and incremental_db folder should be removed. The imported_partitions sub-folder contains the last imported QXP for each imported partition. As long as this folder is preserved, imported partitions will be automatically re-imported when the db or incremental_db/compiled_partitions folders are removed.


