
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2013-02-22 14:13:54
上 传 者Sestall
说明:  PoolRebel in windows 用Windows API编写的台球游戏。在没有使用第三方物理引擎的条件下,基本实现了球的碰撞、回旋等要求。支持下杆儿角度、力度和击球点的设置,并能在调整设置时实时显示主球走位和被碰球的去向。支持更改桌台、球和球杆,并会因此能产生细微区别。
(PoolRebel in Windows Written by Windows API billiards game. Without the use of third party physical engine conditions, the basic realization of the ball collision, cyclotron etc.. Support bar angle, strength and the contact point set, and the real-time display of the cue ball position and adjust setting is to touch the ball go. Support changing table, ball and club, and will therefore have a subtle distinction between.)

PoolRebel\Ball.cpp (1475, 2012-09-11)
PoolRebel\Ball.h (1152, 2012-09-29)
PoolRebel\ballpole.bmp (8096, 2012-09-08)
PoolRebel\ballsnooker.bmp (8838, 2012-09-08)
PoolRebel\Debug\PoolRebel.exe (778334, 2012-09-30)
PoolRebel\desksnooker.bmp (264862, 2012-09-08)
PoolRebel\Game.cpp (7013, 2012-09-30)
PoolRebel\Game.h (2367, 2012-09-29)
PoolRebel\GamePainter.cpp (567, 2012-09-13)
PoolRebel\GamePainter.h (599, 2012-09-10)
PoolRebel\GDIMaster.cpp (3844, 2012-09-29)
PoolRebel\GDIMaster.h (1423, 2012-09-13)
PoolRebel\ImagesMaster.cpp (1558, 2012-09-12)
PoolRebel\ImagesMaster.h (949, 2012-09-10)
PoolRebel\ImageSrc.cpp (1294, 2012-09-13)
PoolRebel\ImageSrc.h (740, 2012-09-13)
PoolRebel\ontrolPanel.cpp (2425, 2012-09-13)
PoolRebel\ontrolPanel.h (1016, 2012-09-13)
PoolRebel\Other\csmAlgebra.h (861, 2012-03-16)
PoolRebel\Other\csmGeometry.cpp (22982, 2012-09-30)
PoolRebel\Other\csmGeometry.h (34257, 2012-09-30)
PoolRebel\Other\EquationSolutions.cpp (2704, 2012-09-10)
PoolRebel\Paintable.cpp (7589, 2012-09-13)
PoolRebel\Paintable.h (1598, 2012-09-13)
PoolRebel\Painter.cpp (2949, 2012-09-13)
PoolRebel\Painter.h (1137, 2012-09-13)
PoolRebel\PhysicsExpert.cpp (10855, 2012-09-30)
PoolRebel\PhysicsExpert.h (1518, 2012-09-30)
PoolRebel\Player.cpp (434, 2012-09-13)
PoolRebel\Player.h (528, 2012-09-13)
PoolRebel\Pole.cpp (1252, 2012-09-13)
PoolRebel\Pole.h (594, 2012-09-13)
PoolRebel\Pool.cpp (1568, 2012-09-29)
PoolRebel\Pool.h (817, 2012-09-29)
PoolRebel\PoolRebel.aps (474004, 2012-09-11)
PoolRebel\PoolRebel.cpp (5101, 2012-09-29)
PoolRebel\PoolRebel.dsp (6643, 2012-09-12)
PoolRebel\PoolRebel.dsw (543, 2012-09-08)
PoolRebel\PoolRebel.ncb (189440, 2012-09-30)
PoolRebel\PoolRebel.opt (90112, 2012-09-30)
... ...

======================================================================== WIN32 APPLICATION : PoolRebel ======================================================================== AppWizard has created this PoolRebel application for you. This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files that make up your PoolRebel application. PoolRebel.cpp This is the main application source file. PoolRebel.dsp This file (the project file) contains information at the project level and is used to build a single project or subproject. Other users can share the project (.dsp) file, but they should export the makefiles locally. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Other standard files: StdAfx.h, StdAfx.cpp These files are used to build a precompiled header (PCH) file named PoolRebel.pch and a precompiled types file named StdAfx.obj. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Other notes: AppWizard uses "TODO:" to indicate parts of the source code you should add to or customize. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


