
上传日期:2013-05-29 20:41:07
上 传 者546591576167hhhx
说明:  挖矿用的p2pool矿池程序,安装环境见reame
(Mining procedures used p2pool mineral pools, installation environment see reame)

COPYING (35147, 2013-04-06)
Makefile (3141, 2013-04-06)
SOAPpy (0, 2013-04-06)
SOAPpy\Client.py (19821, 2013-04-06)
SOAPpy\Config.py (7622, 2013-04-06)
SOAPpy\Errors.py (3002, 2013-04-06)
SOAPpy\GSIServer.py (5238, 2013-04-06)
SOAPpy\NS.py (3724, 2013-04-06)
SOAPpy\Parser.py (36152, 2013-04-06)
SOAPpy\SOAP.py (837, 2013-04-06)
SOAPpy\SOAPBuilder.py (22852, 2013-04-06)
SOAPpy\Server.py (27143, 2013-04-06)
SOAPpy\Types.py (52214, 2013-04-06)
SOAPpy\URLopener.py (584, 2013-04-06)
SOAPpy\Utilities.py (5112, 2013-04-06)
SOAPpy\WSDL.py (5100, 2013-04-06)
SOAPpy\__init__.py (358, 2013-04-06)
SOAPpy\version.py (22, 2013-04-06)
conf (0, 2013-04-06)
conf\requirements.development.pip (44, 2013-04-06)
conf\requirements.production.pip (32, 2013-04-06)
conf\requirements.testing.pip (63, 2013-04-06)
configure (281, 2013-04-06)
dev (0, 2013-04-06)
dev\CLEAN (46, 2013-04-06)
dev\COUNT (74, 2013-04-06)
dev\COVERAGE_REPORT (88, 2013-04-06)
dev\COVERAGE_TEST (56, 2013-04-06)
dev\FIND (44, 2013-04-06)
dev\LINT (126, 2013-04-06)
dev\TEST (87, 2013-04-06)
fpconst.py (5754, 2013-04-06)
init.d (0, 2013-04-06)
init.d\p2pool (4028, 2013-04-06)
litecoin_scrypt (0, 2013-04-06)
litecoin_scrypt\scrypt.c (17854, 2013-04-06)
... ...

Requirements: Generic: Novacoin >= 0.3.2 ltc_scrypt Python Twisted python-argparse (for Python <=2.6) Linux: sudo apt-get install python-zope.interface python-twisted python-twisted-web sudo apt-get install python-argparse # if on Python 2.6 or older Windows: Install Python 2.7: http://www.python.org/getit/ Install Twisted: http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/wiki/Downloads Install Zope.Interface: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/zope.interface/3.8.0 Unzip the files into C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages Additional info about scrypt module: In order to run P2Pool with the NovaCoin network, you would need to build and install the ltc_scrypt module that includes the scrypt proof of work code that NovaCoin uses for block hashes. Linux: cd litecoin_scrypt sudo python setup.py install Windows: Install MinGW: http://www.mingw.org/wiki/Getting_Started Install Python 2.7: http://www.python.org/getit/ cd litecoin_scrypt C:\Python27\python.exe setup.py build --compile=mingw32 install If you run into an error with unrecognized command line option '-mno-cygwin', see this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6034390/compiling-with-cython-and-mingw-produces-gcc-error-unrecognized-command-line-o Running P2Pool: To use P2Pool, you must be running your own local novacoind. For standard configurations, using P2Pool should be as simple as: python run_p2pool.py Then run your miner program, connecting to on port 8336 with any username and password. If you are behind a NAT, you should enable TCP port forwarding on your router. Forward port 9777 to the host running P2Pool. Run "python run_p2pool.py --help" for additional options. Donations towards further development: 1HNeqi3pJRNvXybNX4FKzZgYJsdTSqJTbk


