
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2006-06-13 17:32:47
上 传 者hubkbuct
说明:  一个非常有用的开源代码,包括几个常用的算法如聚类,傅立叶变换等等,用户可自由修改代码
(a very useful source code, including several commonly used algorithms such as clustering, and so on Fourier transform, users are free to modify the code)

waffles\bin\arvo.rib (5468, 2006-02-05)
waffles\bin\billiards.rib (7107, 2006-02-06)
waffles\bin\iris.arff (7735, 2005-12-03)
waffles\bin\libpng13.dll (203264, 2005-11-02)
waffles\bin\SDL.dll (237568, 2005-11-02)
waffles\bin\vowel.arff (91402, 2005-12-03)
waffles\bin\w.png (180, 2005-12-29)
waffles\bin\zlib1.dll (70656, 2005-11-02)
waffles\doc\headerimage.png (6299, 2005-12-31)
waffles\doc\index.html (10719, 2006-05-25)
waffles\doc\type_BlockHeader.html (351, 2006-05-25)
waffles\doc\type_ComplexNumber.html (265, 2006-05-25)
waffles\doc\type_DiffLine.html (260, 2006-05-25)
waffles\doc\type_FileHolder.html (1049, 2006-05-25)
waffles\doc\type_GAction.html (848, 2006-05-25)
waffles\doc\type_GActionGreedySearch.html (814, 2006-05-25)
waffles\doc\type_GActionPath.html (765, 2006-05-25)
waffles\doc\type_GActionPathCritic.html (2585, 2006-05-25)
waffles\doc\type_GActionPathSearch.html (1122, 2006-05-25)
waffles\doc\type_GApp.html (547, 2006-05-25)
waffles\doc\type_GArffAttribute.html (2837, 2006-05-25)
waffles\doc\type_GArffData.html (8318, 2006-05-25)
waffles\doc\type_GArffDataRegressCritic.html (1033, 2006-05-25)
waffles\doc\type_GArffRelation.html (4092, 2006-05-25)
waffles\doc\type_GAVLEnumerator.html (1269, 2006-05-25)
waffles\doc\type_GAVLNode.html (2827, 2006-05-25)
waffles\doc\type_GAVLTree.html (2583, 2006-05-25)
waffles\doc\type_GBezier.html (285, 2006-05-25)
waffles\doc\type_GBigNumber.html (9767, 2006-05-25)
waffles\doc\type_GBillboardCamera.html (3936, 2006-05-25)
waffles\doc\type_GBits.html (5618, 2006-05-25)
waffles\doc\type_GBitTable.html (1376, 2006-05-25)
waffles\doc\type_GBlob.html (4502, 2006-05-25)
waffles\doc\type_GBoxScene.html (742, 2006-05-25)
waffles\doc\type_GBucket.html (1379, 2006-05-25)
waffles\doc\type_GBuffer.html (809, 2006-05-25)
waffles\doc\type_GChessBoard.html (1273, 2006-05-25)
waffles\doc\type_GCompress.html (1534, 2006-05-25)
waffles\doc\type_GConfidenceSearch.html (1454, 2006-05-25)
waffles\doc\type_GConstStringHashTable.html (2066, 2006-05-25)
... ...

How to build: Windows: Run Visual Studio (VS6 or any later version) Open the project file "src\Waffles\Waffles.dsw" Set "Waffles" as the startup project Build Linux: cd src make OSX: Download the latest source for zlib, libpng and sdl from the following web sites: http://www.zlib.net/ http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/libpng.html http://www.libsdl.org/index.php make the zlib package with the following commands: ./configure --shared make sudo make install -- "This command will request the root password" make the libpng package with the following commands: ./configure make sudo make install -- "This command will request the root password" make the sdl package with the following commands: ./configure make sudo make install -- "This command will request the root password" Note: If you don't have root priviledges then the makefile will need to be modified to find the required lib files. cd Waffles/src make Notes: Windows: Visual Studio 6: You may need to update your Platform SDK if you're still using the one that came with Visual Studio 6. You want the Feb 2003 version, which is the last update to support Visual Studio 6. Visual Studio 7: I didn't include a ".sln" project in the zip. Just open the VS6 ".dsw" project and it will automatically convert it to a ".sln" project. Visual Studio 8: Seems to work fine. Linux: To build optimized binaries instead of debug binaries use "make opt" instead of just "make". All the .dll and .lib files in the lib and bin folders are for Windows users who expect everything to "just work". You can delete those files because you don't need them. You can also delete the whole SDL folder because it contains header files that you already have in /usr/include/sdl. You will need the following packages: make gcc libc6-dev libsdl1.2-dev libpng3-dev OSX: Testing is somewhat weak on OSX, because I don't have a Mac. Sorry. Good luck.


