
上传日期:2013-09-05 10:09:07
上 传 者chemxxx
说明:  偏最小二乘法工具包,美国著名的eigenvector公司出品。版本3.0.免安装。
(PLS_toolbox produced by eigenvector. version 3.0)

PLS_Toolbox_3\@dataset\cat.m (11817, 2002-11-07)
PLS_Toolbox_3\@dataset\dataset.m (5730, 2002-11-06)
PLS_Toolbox_3\@dataset\delsamps.m (5286, 2002-11-06)
PLS_Toolbox_3\@dataset\display.m (6209, 2001-10-19)
PLS_Toolbox_3\@dataset\end.m (519, 2002-09-09)
PLS_Toolbox_3\@dataset\explode.m (842, 2002-08-12)
PLS_Toolbox_3\@dataset\get.m (2799, 2002-05-21)
PLS_Toolbox_3\@dataset\horzcat.m (1754, 2001-11-06)
PLS_Toolbox_3\@dataset\loadobj.m (2381, 2002-11-06)
PLS_Toolbox_3\@dataset\set.m (7917, 2002-06-03)
PLS_Toolbox_3\@dataset\size.m (833, 2002-11-06)
PLS_Toolbox_3\@dataset\subsasgn.m (30911, 2002-09-09)
PLS_Toolbox_3\@dataset\subsref.m (10987, 2002-09-09)
PLS_Toolbox_3\@dataset\vertcat.m (1978, 2001-11-06)
PLS_Toolbox_3\advanced_modifiedEEMCorr.asv (1693, 2005-11-22)
PLS_Toolbox_3\advanced_modifiedEEMCorr.m (1784, 2005-11-22)
PLS_Toolbox_3\alignmat.m (14593, 2003-03-24)
PLS_Toolbox_3\anova1w.m (2637, 2002-09-16)
PLS_Toolbox_3\anova2w.m (3192, 2002-09-16)
PLS_Toolbox_3\areadr.m (3677, 2002-08-22)
PLS_Toolbox_3\auto.m (4337, 2003-02-10)
PLS_Toolbox_3\autocor.m (1811, 2002-09-16)
PLS_Toolbox_3\baseline.m (6688, 2002-11-07)
PLS_Toolbox_3\calibsel.m (5928, 2002-10-03)
PLS_Toolbox_3\chilimit.m (11306, 2002-09-16)
PLS_Toolbox_3\cluster.m (10153, 2002-11-07)
PLS_Toolbox_3\coadd.m (3425, 2003-04-04)
PLS_Toolbox_3\contents.m (14241, 2003-04-04)
PLS_Toolbox_3\contrastmod.m (3064, 2002-10-09)
PLS_Toolbox_3\corcondia.m (5557, 2002-12-21)
PLS_Toolbox_3\coreanal.m (8445, 2002-12-21)
PLS_Toolbox_3\corecalc.m (5950, 2002-11-15)
PLS_Toolbox_3\corrmap.m (6551, 2002-09-17)
PLS_Toolbox_3\cr.m (3248, 2002-09-17)
PLS_Toolbox_3\crcvrnd.m (5059, 2002-09-17)
PLS_Toolbox_3\crosscor.m (2341, 2002-09-17)
PLS_Toolbox_3\crossval.m (27662, 2003-02-10)
PLS_Toolbox_3\datahat.m (8212, 2002-12-21)
PLS_Toolbox_3\DataObject302.pdf (211823, 2002-11-11)
... ...

echo on % README Release notes for PLS_Toolbox 3.0.2 % April 4, 2003 % Copyright Eigenvector Research, Inc. 2002-2003 % % Licensee shall not re-compile, translate or convert "M-files" contained % in PLS_Toolbox for use with any software other than MATLAB, without % written permission from Eigenvector Research, Inc. % % INSTALLING THE PLS_TOOLBOX: % STEP 1) FILE EXTRACTION. % NEW INSTALLATIONS: % Open the self extracting archive PLS_Toolbox.exe (or open % the standard archive with an archive utility) and % 'unzip' the files into the MATLAB6p5\toolbox directory % {default: C:\MATLAB6p5\toolbox\ recommended}. % This will create the toolbox functions, demos, and documentation. % UPDATING FROM OLD VERSION: % WITH FULL COPY: If you have a previous version of the PLS_Toolbox % and you are installing a full copy of a new version, you should % first rename or remove any old versions of the toolbox prior to % installation. After removing old versions, follow the directions % for "NEW INSTALLATIONS" above. % WITH UPDATER: If you downloaded an "updater" file for the new % version, you can simply follow the "NEW INSTALLATION" % instructions above. % STEP 2) ADD ALL SUBFOLDERS TO THE MATLAB PATH. ==> "ADD WITH SUBFOLDERS ..." % For MATLAB to find all the PLS_Toolbox files, all the directories % that contain the toolbox files must be added to the MATLAB search % path (except @DATASET folder). Start MATLAB and follow these steps: % 1) Click "File:Set Path ..." % 2) Click "Add with Subfolders ..." *** % *** NOTE you must add the subfolders in addition to the main folder. % 3) Browse to the PLS_Toolbox folder and click "OK" % 4) Click "Save" and "Close" % STEP 3) REHASH % To make certain that MATLAB recognizes all the new files, the % following command should be used at the command line: % type "rehash toolboxcache" % STEP 4) GETTING STARTED AND HELP % Chapter 1 of the PDF document "PLS_Manual_3.pdf" (located % in the main PLS_Toolbox folder) contains a detailed getting % started guide and has a list of suggested manual readings. % Type "helppls" at the command line to get a quick reference % card to help you browse the PLS_Toolbox functions. E.g. see % "help tips" in the pull-down menu. % % HAVING PROBLEMS? Try running "evridebug". This utility (located in the % main PLS_Toolbox folder) can diagnose many common installation % problems. If you have problems running this utility, you may have to % switch your working folder to the main PLS_Toolbox folder. % % ERROR AND BUG REPORTS: % Send bug reports to % Please send your bug reports with the following information: % 1) PLS_Toolbox License/Registration Number % 2) Result of executing "ver" at the MATLAB prompt % 3) Result of executing "evridebug" at the MATLAB prompt % 4) Computer type, model and operating system version % 5) Exact errors you are receiving (if any) % 6) Hardware and memory configuration (if reporting a memory issue) % 7) Your contact information % First Name: % Last Name: % Company Name: % Phone Country Code: % Phone Area Code: % Phone Main: % Phone Extension: % % % Changes and Bug Fixes in 3.0.2 % NEW FUNCTIONS AND FILES: % coadd - new preprocessing function % evridebug - new function to test PLS_Toolbox installation % moveobj - new utility to interactively move graphical objects % pulsdata - new data file for plspulsm demo (Time series data from a % Slurry Fed Ceramic Melter) % OTHER CHANGES: % alignmat - determine number of factors in model from loads not scores % auto - improved speed of missing data handling % crossval - fixed PCA divide by zero bug % - discontinued use of tic/toc for timing % decompose - move GUI to top left corner of any size screen % - determine number of factors in model from loads not scores % deresolv - added demo % discrimprob - added demo % dp - added option to flip direction of line % figmerit - added demo % - modified help % - minor performance enhancement % frpcr - fixed bug when y is not dataset % - modified demo % frpcrengine - added demo % fullsearch - fixed output bug % gaselctr - modified demo % genalg - allowed load of logical y-blocks % - fixed bug when loading non-dataset yblock with dataset xblock % genalgplot - added demo % glsw - added options structure and "use gradient" option % gram - added demo % mdcheck - added demo % mncn - improved speed of missing data handling % modlpred - send plots to new figure % - determine number of factors in model from loads not scores % - added demo % modlrder - determine number of factors in model from loads not scores % osccalc - added demo % oscapp - added demo % pcaengine - fixed bug with analysis of large (>200) row vectors % pcr - determine number of factors in model from loads not scores % plotgui - added keywords 'rows','cols','columns' (='plotby',xxxx) % - modified axis scaling % - allow width change of controls % - axislines now show on all plot types % plotscores - determine number of factors in model from loads not scores % plotscoreslimits - added option to display fit (1:1 context menu) % results on figure % - fixed R^2 error (gave R instead of R^2) % - fixed PCA scores limits error (with excluded samples) % - determine number of factors in model from loads not scores % pls - determine number of factors in model from loads not scores % plsdthres - send plot to new figure % - added demo % plspulsm - replaced use of writein2 % - added demo % plsrsgcv - added demo % plsrsgn - added demo % plttern - added hold-on support % - added linestyle option % regression - determine number of factors in model from loads not scores % regresconstr - modified nonnegativity constraint for speed improvement % savgol - added undocumented "useexcluded" option % - added "too few variables" error % spcreadr - modified help % stddemo - updated statisics demo % % Added or modified internal documentation in the following: % bigpca, cell2array, cellne, crossvalgui, gaselctr, mlrcvblk, mncnset, % oscset, parafac2, pcapro, savgolset, simpls, zoompls % % % Changes and Bug Fixes in 3.0.1a % datahat - fixed included samples bug w/cell inputs % decompose - fixed bug in scores tcon calculation with predictions % - allowed resizing of main GUI window % fia.mat - new demonstration data set % gaselctr - better support for excluded variables and windows with % excluded variables % genalgplot - improved display mode for large numbers of variables % - fixed bug with dataset input % - modified handling of excluded variables % modlrder - fixed spelling error % modlviewcb - improved excluded data support % modelviewertool - improved excluded data support % npls - improved handling of sample exclusion and missing data % nwengine - improved dataset and excluded data support % pca, pls, pcr - removed use of "fields" command % polyinterp - fixed warning message bug % preprocess - sort of catalog no longer case sensitive % - added "getdataset" method to retreive relevent data % - allow passing of relevent data in initial stay-resident call % regresconstr - various modifications % regression - fixed labeling of y variables in variance/CV plot % - allowed resizing of main GUI window % savgol - added undocumented "useexcluded" option (set only through setplspref) % standardizeloads - removed extraneous screen output % tucker - improved support for excluded data % corcondia, coreanal, parafac, parafac2 - minor internal syntax modifications % % % Changes and Bug Fixes in 3.0.1 % * fixed help page links % cell2array - new utility % decompose - limit SSQ table and eig plot to correct # of PCs % - moved maximumfactors option (set in setplspref) % - fixed biplot labels when used with regression % demos - fixed typo % evriio - fixed incompatibility with runtime engine % frpcr - fixed mixed-input-type problem % gselect - added options % imgpca - added labels to loads plots if they were available % imgsimca - fixed dimension mismatch problem % mdcheck - fixed bug when analyzing even-dimensioned >2 way data % npreprocess - fixed bug in calculating scales % parafac - added 'swatld' algorithm option % - added output core consistency and other useful info % - added option to exclude calc. of core consistency % pca - fixed T2 calculation for predictions % regcon - fixed autoscale preprocess problem % regression - moved maximumfactors option (set in setplspref) % - fixed wrong-size cross-val bug in var/CV plots % setplspref - added single-option set functionality % initloads, modelviewertool, npls, nwengine, parafac2, regesconstr, % standardizeloads, tucker - various minor modifications echo off


