
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2014-10-12 00:38:21
上 传 者大海无量
说明:  emiplib 可以用于voip开发,很方便的库,有源代码,可以支持cmake,有简单例子可以使用,包含speex压缩解压,jrtplib 网络传输
(libraries, source code can be used for voip emiplib development, very convenient, can support cmake, there is a simple example can be used, including speex compression decompression, jrtplib network transmission)

emiplib-1.1.1 (0, 2011-11-08)
emiplib-1.1.1\TODO (271, 2011-07-29)
emiplib-1.1.1\cmake (0, 2011-11-08)
emiplib-1.1.1\cmake\FindPortAudio.cmake (1774, 2011-07-27)
emiplib-1.1.1\cmake\FindLibSndFile.cmake (388, 2011-07-27)
emiplib-1.1.1\cmake\FindJACK.cmake (321, 2011-07-27)
emiplib-1.1.1\cmake\FindJThread.cmake (1191, 2011-07-27)
emiplib-1.1.1\cmake\FindLibAVCodec.cmake (1517, 2011-07-27)
emiplib-1.1.1\cmake\EMIPLIBConfig.cmake.in (133, 2011-08-12)
emiplib-1.1.1\cmake\FindESound.cmake (336, 2011-07-27)
emiplib-1.1.1\cmake\FindSpeex.cmake (1693, 2011-07-27)
emiplib-1.1.1\cmake\Macros.cmake (2913, 2011-07-27)
emiplib-1.1.1\cmake\FindAudioFile.cmake (381, 2011-07-27)
emiplib-1.1.1\cmake\FindJRTPLIB.cmake (1020, 2011-07-27)
emiplib-1.1.1\doc (0, 2011-11-08)
emiplib-1.1.1\doc\mainpage.h (31042, 2011-11-08)
emiplib-1.1.1\doc\sound3d.png (28599, 2010-07-15)
emiplib-1.1.1\doc\subchains1.png (13331, 2010-07-16)
emiplib-1.1.1\doc\subchains1.svg (10309, 2010-07-16)
emiplib-1.1.1\doc\bufferchain.svg (7911, 2010-07-15)
emiplib-1.1.1\doc\nobufferchain.png (7129, 2010-07-15)
emiplib-1.1.1\doc\subchains4.svg (10702, 2010-07-19)
emiplib-1.1.1\doc\chainbuilding.svg (11443, 2010-07-15)
emiplib-1.1.1\doc\bufferchain.png (8990, 2010-07-15)
emiplib-1.1.1\doc\chainbuilding.png (16061, 2010-07-15)
emiplib-1.1.1\doc\nobufferchain.svg (7101, 2010-07-15)
emiplib-1.1.1\doc\subchains3.svg (10138, 2010-07-16)
emiplib-1.1.1\doc\subchains2.png (15692, 2010-07-16)
emiplib-1.1.1\doc\subchains2.svg (11329, 2010-07-16)
emiplib-1.1.1\doc\subchains4.png (17620, 2010-07-19)
emiplib-1.1.1\doc\subchains3.png (14340, 2010-07-16)
emiplib-1.1.1\doc\sound3d.svg (8481, 2010-07-15)
emiplib-1.1.1\tools (0, 2011-11-08)
emiplib-1.1.1\tools\osstest.cpp (154, 2011-07-27)
emiplib-1.1.1\tools\winmmtest.cpp (178, 2011-07-27)
emiplib-1.1.1\tools\v4ltest.cpp (181, 2011-07-27)
emiplib-1.1.1\src (0, 2011-11-08)
emiplib-1.1.1\src\thirdparty (0, 2011-11-08)
emiplib-1.1.1\src\thirdparty\tinyjpeg (0, 2011-11-08)
emiplib-1.1.1\src\thirdparty\tinyjpeg\tinyjpeg-internal.h (4490, 2009-08-12)
... ...

EMIPLIB README (1.1.1) 1. INTRODUCTION The name EMIPLIB means 'EDM Media over IP library'. This library was developed at the Expertise Centre for Digital Media (EDM) (http://www.edm.uhasselt.be), a research institute of the Hasselt University (http://www.uhasselt.be). As the name suggests the goal of the library is to make it easier to stream several kinds of media, including (but not limited to) audio and video. For more detailed information about the library, please refer to the library documentation. 2. LICENSE The license that applies to the library is the LGPL. However, it is possible to specify that you wish to use GPL licensed components as well, which then causes the GPL to apply to the entire library. The license texts of these two licenses can be found in the files LICENSE.LGPL and LICENSE.GPL of the source code archive. Note that when creating an application, you have to take the licenses of other libraries into account too. For example, if your application uses the Qt component and you accepted the GPL license for the Qt library, linking with the Qt library requires your application to be GPL too. Similarly, if your version of libavcodec was compiled as a GPL library, using the libavcodec component of emiplib will require your application to be GPL too, since you'll need to link against your GPL version of libavcodec. 3. INSTALLATION The library depends on the JThread and JRTPLIB libraries, which can be found at the following sites: http://research.edm.uhasselt.be/jori/jthread/jthread.html http://research.edm.uhasselt.be/jori/jrtplib/jrtplib.html Note that for this version, at least JThread 1.3.0 and JRTPLIB 3.9.0 are required. The compilation of the library can be done using the CMake build system. In case extra include directories or libraries are needed, you can use the 'ADDITIONAL_' CMake variables to specify these. They will be stored in both the resulting EMIPLIB CMake configuration file and the pkg-config file. For example, to be able to compile the DirectShow video input component, you may need to enter something like this in the ADDITIONAL_INCLUDE_DIRS variable: C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft SDKs/Windows/v7.0A/Include; C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft DirectX SDK (August 2007)/Include And something like this in the ADDITIONAL_LIBRARIES_GENERAL variable: C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft SDKs/Windows/v7.0A/Lib/strmiids.lib To install JThread, JRTPLIB and EMIPLIB in a MS-Windows environment, an easy way is the following. For each project, use the same installation directory, and specify it using the CMake CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX variable _before_ running the CMake configure step. If you then build and install JThread and JRTPLIB, the EMIPLIB configure step should be able to detect them without any problem. 4. CONTACT The library home page can be found at the following location: http://research.edm.uhasselt.be/emiplib/ There is a mailing list available for EMIPLIB. To subscribe to it, just send an e-mail to emiplib-subscribe@edm.uhasselt.be and you'll receive additional instructions. If you don't like to post your question to the mailing list, you can also send a more private mail to emiplibinfo@edm.uhasselt.be. 5. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank Jutta Degener and Carsten Bormann for writing their GSM codec and allowing us to include it in EMIPLIB. The copyright and disclaimer of the GSM codec can be found in the file src/thirdparty/gsm/COPYRIGHT. We would also like to thank Ron Frederick for making his LPC codec available to the public and for allowing us to include a derived version in this library. The component which converts JPEG data into an uncompressed image uses the Tiny Jpeg Decoder by Luc Saillard. Thanks for making this publically available. Please see the source code in src/thirdparty/tinyjpeg for more information about copyright and disclaimer.


