
上传日期:2007-04-23 17:20:38
上 传 者sunshan
说明:  str912芯片的串口烧写程序源代码,采用Ymodem串口通信协议。
(str912 Serial chip burning source code using Ymodem serial communication protocol.)

STR9 In-Application Programming using UART\AN2475\STR91x IAP\str91xstdlib\src\91x_fmi.c (22638, 2006-12-14)
STR9 In-Application Programming using UART\AN2475\STR91x IAP\str91xstdlib\src\91x_gpio.c (13474, 2006-09-27)
STR9 In-Application Programming using UART\AN2475\STR91x IAP\str91xstdlib\src\91x_lib.c (7578, 2006-09-27)
STR9 In-Application Programming using UART\AN2475\STR91x IAP\str91xstdlib\src\91x_scu.c (26649, 2006-09-27)
STR9 In-Application Programming using UART\AN2475\STR91x IAP\str91xstdlib\src\91x_uart.c (26231, 2006-09-27)
STR9 In-Application Programming using UART\AN2475\STR91x IAP\str91xstdlib\src (0, 2007-01-31)
STR9 In-Application Programming using UART\AN2475\STR91x IAP\str91xstdlib\inc\91x_fmi.h (8759, 2006-12-14)
STR9 In-Application Programming using UART\AN2475\STR91x IAP\str91xstdlib\inc\91x_gpio.h (3249, 2006-09-27)
STR9 In-Application Programming using UART\AN2475\STR91x IAP\str91xstdlib\inc\91x_lib.h (2913, 2006-09-27)
STR9 In-Application Programming using UART\AN2475\STR91x IAP\str91xstdlib\inc\91x_map.h (39537, 2006-09-27)
STR9 In-Application Programming using UART\AN2475\STR91x IAP\str91xstdlib\inc\91x_scu.h (6590, 2006-09-27)
STR9 In-Application Programming using UART\AN2475\STR91x IAP\str91xstdlib\inc\91x_type.h (2068, 2006-09-27)
STR9 In-Application Programming using UART\AN2475\STR91x IAP\str91xstdlib\inc\91x_uart.h (8922, 2006-09-27)
STR9 In-Application Programming using UART\AN2475\STR91x IAP\str91xstdlib\inc (0, 2007-01-31)
STR9 In-Application Programming using UART\AN2475\STR91x IAP\str91xstdlib (0, 2007-01-31)
STR9 In-Application Programming using UART\AN2475\STR91x IAP\IAP\source\common.c (11367, 2007-01-12)
STR9 In-Application Programming using UART\AN2475\STR91x IAP\IAP\source\download.c (3219, 2006-12-27)
STR9 In-Application Programming using UART\AN2475\STR91x IAP\IAP\source\main.c (6912, 2007-01-12)
STR9 In-Application Programming using UART\AN2475\STR91x IAP\IAP\source\ymodem.c (18153, 2007-01-12)
STR9 In-Application Programming using UART\AN2475\STR91x IAP\IAP\source (0, 2007-01-31)
STR9 In-Application Programming using UART\AN2475\STR91x IAP\IAP\project\EWARM\91x_init.s (5886, 2006-12-15)
STR9 In-Application Programming using UART\AN2475\STR91x IAP\IAP\project\EWARM\91x_vect.s (2105, 2006-12-14)
STR9 In-Application Programming using UART\AN2475\STR91x IAP\IAP\project\EWARM\FlashSTR91x.d79 (49591, 2006-09-18)
STR9 In-Application Programming using UART\AN2475\STR91x IAP\IAP\project\EWARM\init_table.s (945, 2006-09-18)
STR9 In-Application Programming using UART\AN2475\STR91x IAP\IAP\project\EWARM\lnkarm_flash.xcl (8833, 2006-09-18)
STR9 In-Application Programming using UART\AN2475\STR91x IAP\IAP\project\EWARM\STR91x_IAP.ewd (28508, 2006-12-15)
STR9 In-Application Programming using UART\AN2475\STR91x IAP\IAP\project\EWARM\STR91x_IAP.ewp (51469, 2006-12-18)
STR9 In-Application Programming using UART\AN2475\STR91x IAP\IAP\project\EWARM\STR91x_IAP.eww (164, 2006-09-21)
STR9 In-Application Programming using UART\AN2475\STR91x IAP\IAP\project\EWARM (0, 2007-01-31)
STR9 In-Application Programming using UART\AN2475\STR91x IAP\IAP\project (0, 2007-01-31)
STR9 In-Application Programming using UART\AN2475\STR91x IAP\IAP\include\91x_conf.h (3667, 2006-12-14)
STR9 In-Application Programming using UART\AN2475\STR91x IAP\IAP\include\common.h (2792, 2006-12-26)
STR9 In-Application Programming using UART\AN2475\STR91x IAP\IAP\include\ymodem.h (2391, 2006-12-27)
STR9 In-Application Programming using UART\AN2475\STR91x IAP\IAP\include (0, 2007-01-31)
STR9 In-Application Programming using UART\AN2475\STR91x IAP\IAP (0, 2007-01-31)
STR9 In-Application Programming using UART\AN2475\STR91x IAP (0, 2007-01-31)
STR9 In-Application Programming using UART\AN2475\Examples\STR910-Eval_Demo.bin (350928, 2006-09-30)
STR9 In-Application Programming using UART\AN2475\Examples\Toggling_Led.bin (2860, 2006-12-27)
STR9 In-Application Programming using UART\AN2475\Examples\Compiled Example\project\91x_conf.h (3691, 2007-01-12)
STR9 In-Application Programming using UART\AN2475\Examples\Compiled Example\project\main.c (4079, 2006-12-26)
... ...

/******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2006 STMicroelectronics ******************** * File Name : Readme.txt * Author : MCD Application Team * Date First Issued : 09/15/2006 : IAP Version 1.0 * Description : Description of the GPIO Example. ******************************************************************************** * History: * 09/15/2006 : IAP Version 1.0 ******************************************************************************** * THE PRESENT SOFTWARE WHICH IS FOR GUIDANCE ONLY AIMS AT PROVIDING CUSTOMERS * WITH CODING INFORMATION REGARDING THEIR PRODUCTS IN ORDER FOR THEM TO SAVE TIME. * AS A RESULT, STMICROELECTRONICS SHALL NOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WITH RESPECT TO ANY CLAIMS ARISING FROM THE * CONTENT OF SUCH SOFTWARE AND/OR THE USE MADE BY CUSTOMERS OF THE CODING * INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IN CONNECTION WITH THEIR PRODUCTS. *******************************************************************************/ Example description =================== This example provides the project settings for an application to be loaded in the STR91x internal Flash using IAP via UART. In this example, four leds connected to P9.0, P9.1, P9.2 and P9.3 pins, are toggled in an infinite loop. Directory contents ================== 91x_conf.h Library Configuration file main.c Main program Readme.txt This file Hardware environment ==================== - Connect four leds to pins P9.0, P9.1, P9.2 and P9.3(respectively LD2,LD3, LD4 and LD5 on STR91x-EVAL board). Some details ============ - In 91x_init.s start-up file, Bank0 and Bank1 should not be remapped. - In the project Options, under Linker -> Output -> Other,'raw-binary' is selected as Output format - Compile your project. A binary file will be generated in the ..\Compiled Example\project\EWARM\Debug\Exe subdirectory. - load your image (binary file) into the STR91x Internal Flash using IAP via UART ******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2006 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****


