
上传日期:2007-04-06 09:14:02
上 传 者novelspring
说明:  用于稀疏分解的优化搜索算法,版权属于Patrick S. Huggins and Steven W. Zucker(Yale University)
(sparse for the decomposition of optimization search algorithm, Copyright belongs to Patrick S. Huggins and Steven W. Zucker (Ya le University))

gbp.m (4344, 2006-06-12)
gbp_demo.m (6430, 2006-06-12)
gbp_safe.m (6363, 2006-06-12)
random_bp_problem.m (427, 2006-06-12)

README.txt: README file for / gbp_package.tar.gz gbp_package includes the following files: * gbp.m * gbp_safe * gbp_demo.m * random_bp_problem.m gbp.m is a basic implementation of Greedy Basis Pursuit (GBP). It is essentially GBP as described in the tech report (YALEU/DCS/TR-1359), without a check of the condition of the biorthogonal system. gbp_safe.m implements GBP and includes a periodic check of the condition of the biorthogonal system and an iterative pseudoinverse method to recompute the biorthogonal system should it become ill-conditioned. gbp_safe.m is therefore more stable than gbp.m but also marginally slower. gbp_demo.m runs GBP and Matlab's LINPROG function, with both interior point and simplex method settings on a set of randomly generate problems, and outputs the results (running times, L1-norms, errors). Note that gbp_demo.m includes a doubling of the dictionary (to include negative components of the random dictionary) and a perturbation of the dictionary. (Here the perturbation ensures that matrix inverses can be computed by Matlab's linear programming routines; similar pertubations are useful for GBP in the case of dictinoaries that may not be in general position, e.g., specially defined wavelet dictionaries.) random_bp_problem.m generates a random signal representation problem of specified size. The atoms and the signal are chosen uniformly at random from the unit sphere in R^d. See individual files for details. Email questions/comments to: Patrick Huggins 09/01/05


