开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2007-07-30 08:29:42
上 传 者欧拉陈
说明:  GPU的经典算法,用于编写较高质量的程序作参考。
(GPU classic algorithms, used in the preparation of high quality procedures for reference.)

ComputeNormals.fx (2897, 2005-02-17)
Render.fx (3498, 2005-02-17)
Upsample.fx (4272, 2005-02-17)

This directory contains sample code for the article "Terrain Rendering Using GPU-Based Geometry Clipmaps. Included files: Render.fx This file contains the HLSL (both vertex and pixel shader) code for clipmap rendering. The vertex shader reads the z value from an elevation map stored as a vertex texture. It then computes a blending parameter and blends the geometry at the outer boundary of each level to ensure smooth transitions. The pixel shader accesses the normal map and shades the surface using a normal obtained by blending the fine and coarse level clipmap normals. For more details refer to Section 2.3.5 and 2.3.6 in the book. Upsample.fx This file contains HLSL code for creating/updating a clipmap elevation map. A tensor-product version of the well-known four-point subdivision curve interpolant, which has mask weights (-1/16, 9/16, 9/16, -1/16) is used to predict the finer level geometry from the coarser one. Next decompression residual/synthesized fractal noise is added to this predicted value to get the actual elevation which is written to the elevation map. For more details refer to Section 2.4 in the book. ComputeNormals.fx This file contains HLSL code for computing the normal map given the elevation map. The normal is computed as the cross product of two grid-aligned tangent vectors. A texture lookup is then done to gather the normal from the coarser level and pack both the computed normal for the current level and the normal from the coarser level into a four channel texture. For more details refer to Section 2.4.3 in the book.


