
上传日期:2007-08-23 17:31:09
上 传 者eagle2182
说明:  AU1200嵌入式处理器媒体加速引擎(mae)的驱动
(Embedded Processor Au1200 media acceleration engine (mae) driver)

Mae1200\au1200.h (18045, 2006-04-28)
Mae1200\au1200_lcd.h (9892, 2006-04-28)
Mae1200\Build.dat (32856, 2006-04-28)
Mae1200\Build.log (7234, 2006-05-05)
Mae1200\MAE1200.bib (71, 2006-04-28)
Mae1200\MAE1200.cpp (128981, 2006-04-28)
Mae1200\MAE1200.dat (0, 2006-04-28)
Mae1200\MAE1200.db (0, 2006-04-28)
Mae1200\MAE1200.def (118, 2006-04-28)
Mae1200\MAE1200.h (4065, 2006-04-28)
Mae1200\MAE1200.pbpxml (173, 2006-04-28)
Mae1200\MAE1200.reg (441, 2006-05-05)
Mae1200\mae1200.vcp (9209, 2006-04-28)
Mae1200\mae_be.c (14774, 2006-04-28)
Mae1200\mae_be.h (2598, 2006-04-28)
Mae1200\mae_debug.h (2029, 2006-04-28)
Mae1200\mae_fe.c (10872, 2006-04-28)
Mae1200\mae_fe.h (1571, 2006-04-28)
Mae1200\mae_global.h (5438, 2006-04-28)
Mae1200\mae_hal.c (21033, 2006-04-28)
Mae1200\mae_hal.h (1167, 2006-04-28)
Mae1200\mae_interface.h (23334, 2006-04-28)
Mae1200\mae_memory.h (3466, 2006-04-28)
Mae1200\mae_types.h (1003, 2006-04-28)
Mae1200\mae_util.s (273, 2006-04-28)
Mae1200\makefile (41, 2006-04-28)
Mae1200\postlink.bat (0, 2006-04-28)
Mae1200\prelink.bat (0, 2006-04-28)
Mae1200\ProjSysgen.bat (744, 2006-04-28)
Mae1200\queue.h (10760, 2006-04-28)
Mae1200\sources (1089, 2006-04-28)
Mae1200\StdAfx.cpp (294, 2006-04-28)
Mae1200\StdAfx.h (802, 2006-04-28)
Mae1200\time64.h (578, 2006-04-28)
Mae1200 (0, 2007-07-18)

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// July 17, 2005: Started to new driver sriver architecture based on the main-2 branch Linux driver. FEATURE NAME: MAE WinCE Driver for Au1200 MANUFACTURER: Advanced Micro devices Inc. CONTACT INFO: Jatinder Pancar & Muhammad Kafil DATE: 6/1/05 VERSION: DESCRIPTION: This is Media Acceleration Engine driver for Au1200. This will decode and present video data to Au1200 hardware and display the video on LCD. BUILD INSTRUCTIONS: This project is built with Platform Builder 5.0. Open your platform builder 5.0, load your workspace and selet insert existing project from Project/Insert tab. Point it to the .pbxml file and click open. The project should open in your workspace. From there you can build the project by right click and pressing build current project. HOW TO USE: The driver is loaded automatically at bootup if you follow the procedures above. The Init routine is called during bootup. In your application a wrapper is used to talk to this driver. The wrapper opens the driver by making the following call: filehandle = CreateFile( TEXT("MAE1:"), GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); Once this call passes, you will need to do IOCTL call to AU1XXXMAE_INIT as follows: DeviceIoControl(filehandle, AU1XXXMAE_INIT, (LPVOID)&ioc, sizeof(ioc), (LPVOID)&DB, sizeof(DebugBuffers), &BytesReturned ,NULL); This will do rest of the initialization of the driver. After this call, you should do a setmode call as follows: DeviceIoControl(filehandle, AU1XXXMAE_SETMODE, IPB_FRAME_MODE, sizeof(IPB_FRAME_MODE), (LPVOID)&DB, sizeof(DebugBuffers), &BytesReturned ,NULL); At this point the driver is ready. The other calls that are supported in the driver are as follows: AU1XXXMAE_REQUEST // This will request a buffer for FE AU1XXXMAE_SUBMIT // This will submit a buffer to FE AU1XXXMAE_PRIME_FE // This will setup the hardware for FE AU1XXXMAE_GETYUVBUFADDR // This will get you a yuv buffer address AU1XXXMAE_GETYUVBUF // This will get you a yuv buffer AU1XXXMAE_DISPLAYSIZE // This will set the display video size AU1XXXMAE_GETDISPLAYSIZE // This will get the display size AU1XXXMAE_SUBMIT_BE // This will submit a buffer to BE AU1XXXMAE_REQUEST_BE // This will request a buffer for BE History: ======== - 8/2/05 - added a registry key to change the playback mode for video only. IgnorePTS registry key was added. Set it to 1 for max playback mode; set it to 0 for normal playback mode. Default is Normal Playback mode Initial driver with AVsync added. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


