
注册日期:2006-04-11 09:27:36

上传列表 - Intel PX27x board bring up (BBU) program (ARM source code),2006-04-11 16:00:51,下载298次
curve_test.tar.gz - curve_test is a set of 3 programs to demonstrate 3 different kind of third-order parametric curves: Hemite curve segments, Bezier curve segments, and Splines. Hemite curves are defined by two endpoints and two vectors, Bezier curves are defined by four points, and Spline curves are defined by 4+n points.,2006-04-11 14:46:20,下载192次 - graspForth is my humble attempt at a Forth-in-C that has the following goals: GCC ......... to support all 32-bit micros that GCC cross-compiles to. Relocatable . to be able to run in-place in either Flash or Ram. Fast ........ to be "not much" slower than an assembly based native Forth. Small ....... to fit-in approx 300 words in less than 25Kbytes on a 32-bit machine. Portable .... to achieve a 5 minute port to a new 32bit micro-processor, or micro-controller. ,2006-04-11 14:40:54,下载162次 - Delineate is a tool for converting bitmap raster images to SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) using AutoTrace or potrace. It displays SVG results using Apache Batik. Input formats are JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIFF, PNM, PBM, PGM, PPM, IFF,PCD, PSD, RAS. ,2006-04-11 14:36:56,下载244次 - Keyboard Hook, This example shows how to write global hooks .This program captures all the Keyboard events and save the keys to a text file,2006-04-11 10:53:13,下载602次 - Keyboard spy, a simple key logger implementation and suggest ways of defeating it.,2006-04-11 10:50:22,下载190次
EFORTH86v2.ZIP - eForth is a small portable Forth design for a wide range of microprocessors. This is the first implementation for 8086. As machine dependency is consolidated into 31 code words, moving eForth to other CPU s will be much less of a chore comparing to other Forth models. ,2006-04-11 10:41:06,下载157次 - The Audio File Library provides a uniform programming interface to standard digital audio file formats. This library allows the processing of audio data to and from audio files of many common formats (currently AIFF, AIFF-C, WAVE, NeXT/Sun .snd/.au, IRCAM, AVR, Amiga IFF/8SVX, and NIST SPHERE). The library also supports compression (currently G.711 mu-law and A-law and IMA and MS ADPCM) as well as PCM formats of all flavors (signed and unsigned integer, single- and double-precision floating point). ,2006-04-11 10:19:19,下载447次

