
注册日期:2007-03-23 23:38:35

上传列表 - Author: David Sedarsky Summary: MatLab GUI for interface tracking and edge velocity determination MATLAB Release: R14SP2 Required Products: Image Processing Toolbox Description: Itrac works on image pairs taken at times T1 and T2, and tracks the motion of features in the images selected using thresholding and edge detection. Two sample image pairs (LIF images of OH in a turbulent flame) are included in the archive. Some of the work that led me to develop Itrac is detailed here:,2007-05-18 14:01:12,下载92次 - Author: Xianju Wang Summary: 2 Dimensional Spectral Estimation MATLAB Release: R12 Description: Estimating the power spectrum associated with a random process is desirable in many applications. This package includes four important 2-D spectral estimation methods.(Periodogram, Autorrelation Method, Covariance Method, Modified Covariance Method).,2007-05-18 13:56:37,下载24次
OpenCV_Examples.rar - OpenCV Examples.rar 一些关于OpenCV的有用的文档。,2007-05-18 13:54:52,下载39次 - Author: Abhishek Ivaturi Summary: SUSAN Edge detection in gray scale images. MATLAB Release: R13 Required Products: Image Processing Toolbox Description: Edge detection in gray scale images using the SUSAN algorithm. (takes some time to compute, but i hope to fix it...code is rather crude right now)Does not yet include non maximal suppresion. ,2007-05-18 13:49:16,下载40次
MATLAB_optical_flow.rar - The code implements the optical flow algorithm described in Gautama, T. and Van Hulle, M.M. (2002). A Phase-based Approach to the Estimation of the Optical Flow Field Using Spatial Filtering,IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, 13(5), 1127--1136. The algo proceeds in 3 steps 1. spatial filtering 2. phase gradient estimation 3. IOC using recurrent networks ,2007-05-18 13:48:16,下载175次 - Author: Fahd Ahmad Abbasi Summary: Matches two pictures given as arguments. MATLAB Release: R13 Required Products: Image Processing Toolbox Description: The function takes two images as argument and using edge detection checks whether they are the same or not...a cool and simple code which can be used in security systems. The level at which the two pictures should be matched can be controlled. ,2007-05-18 13:28:28,下载13次

CNN+LSTM EGG项目.zip - 使用LSTM +CNN对EGG 进行分类预测,一维CNN提取数字信息特征,LSTM 进行分类预测 - 对金融时间序列的建模,第一列数据为预测项
lstm.rar - LSTM(Long Short-Term Memory)是长短期记忆网络,是一种时间递归神经网络,适合于处理和预测时间序列中间隔和延迟相对较长的重要事件。,Python实现LSTM代码计算过程 - 深度学习,LSTM股票预测,python代码
LSTM时间序列预测.zip - 本代码采用python语言编写的的一个LSTM时间序列来预测销量
LSTM程序.zip - 基于LSTM的时间序列预测-原理-python代码
