
注册日期:2007-12-19 23:47:40

generatethecircle.rar - Generate a great circle "trajectory" from [lat1,lon1] to [lat2, lon2]. % Resulting points will be seperated by approximately delta_ft feet. % By default, delta_ft = 100 feet. All lat/lon inputs & outputs are in % degrees. ,2007-12-20 00:12:40,下载12次
ReBEL.rar - This template file is used to completely describe a system in a generalized % state space format useable by the ReBEL inference and estimation system. % This file must be copied, renamed and adapted to your specific problem. The % interface to each function should NOT BE CHANGED however. ,2007-12-20 00:09:57,下载14次
GPS_DOP.rar - % This program calculates Dilution of Precision with respect to a GPS * % receiver given its Cartesian ECEF position and the positions of four or * % more visible GPS satellites. It is a validation of the DOP algorithm and * % contains reference positions for which the DOP results are known. * ,2007-12-20 00:08:31,下载83次
COMPUTEG.rar - computes the gravitational acceleration vector at a specified % ECF location using the JGM2 gravitational ellipsoid only. % Higher-order gravity terms (the "gravity anomaly") are % ingnored. Only the pure ellipsoid is used. ,2007-12-20 00:07:29,下载6次 - % BackgroundRemoval=[true],false % Gain=[tsquare],linear % BandPass=[paul],fircls % CenterFrequency, auto (determined using pburg) % BandWidth=auto (a fraction of the CenterFrequency default=0.25) % ContrastStretch=[true],false % HilbertAmplitude=[true],false % HorizontalStacking=1 (a number of traces) %,2007-12-20 00:03:47,下载6次 - 主要实现一无人自行车的控制自主导航,可对导航与控制进行说明,2007-12-19 23:58:54,下载37次

MSP430-for-ADIS16375-reading.rar - 基于MSP430单片机读取操作惯导器件ADIS16375(UART和SPI)
