
注册日期:2009-10-17 18:34:52

上传列表 - Gaussian Mixture Models,2015-01-13 00:31:49,下载2次 - estimate the rician K factor,2015-01-13 00:27:53,下载23次 - SWTEST Shapiro-Wilk parametric hypothesis test of composite normality. [H, pValue, SWstatistic] = SWTEST(X, ALPHA, TAIL) performs the Shapiro-Wilk test to determine if the null hypothesis of composite normality is a reasonable assumption regarding the population distribution of a random sample X. The desired significance level, ALPHA, is an optional scalar input (default = 0.05). TAIL indicates the type of test (default = 1).,2015-01-13 00:25:43,下载11次 - ML gradient computation g = grad_ml(X,x,r) g = gradient vector X = matrix for receiver positions x = 2D position estimate r = TOA measurement vector sigma2 = noise variance vector ,2015-01-13 00:22:09,下载6次
1-s2.0-S0968090X10000112-main.rar - Collision avoidance in roads can be addressed in several ways, being cooperative systems one of the most promising options. In cooperative collision avoidance support systems (CCASS) the vehicles which constitute a scene share by means of communication links information that can be useful to detect a potentially risky situation. Typically, this information describes the kinematic state of each vehicle and can be complemented with a prediction of its next state. Indeed,,2013-11-16 18:27:42,下载3次
1569107749(1).rar - This paper deals with using of low-cost Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) sensors in a localization process for an autonomous guidance system of mobile robots. Generally, this process is made using a Kalman Filter (KF) to fuse information coming from different sensors. But as GNSS error is an unpredictable stochastiscal process, the localization estimated by the KF becomes unreliable. To solve this problem, the error of a cheap GNSS receiver is analyzed. Then, an AutoRegressive process (AR process) is used to establish a reliable prediction model. A second problem of GNSS systems concerns the disturbances in the observation of satellites. To detect this disturbance, we use a condition based on the Mahalanobis distance. This model and condition are taken into account in the localization system to improve its,2013-11-16 18:25:27,下载5次
1552.rar - The emergence of stronger safety and environmental norms, the need for early decision mechanisms, together with the widespread di usion of sensors of all kinds, result in an increased need for research investigations in the eld of fault detection and isolation (FDI). In particular, e- cient and robust methods for fault and damage detection, diagnostics and localization, are necessary for condition- based maintenance and for fatigue and aging prevention. Many approaches to FDI problems assume that a model of the monitored system is available. This is a reasonable as- sumption since many machines and processes rely on phys- ical principles and models can be built on that basis (Ljung (1999)). However, it is often argued that a major drawback of model-based FDI methods lies in the requirement of a precise model of the system to be monitored. In particular, changes in the functioning modes and un,2013-11-16 18:20:30,下载2次
06178086.rar - When the measurement errors in Kalman filtering are time correlated, time-differencing approaches are conventionally applied to deal with the time-correlated errors, but they are subject to practical limitations, such as time latency and numerical issues that stem from matrix inversion. This paper proposes two new algorithms to resolve the issues by augmenting,2013-11-16 18:14:18,下载1次
21291051GNSS-DOP.rar - In the past, distribution system load flow was the only tool used for planning or/and operational purposes [4- 121. Recently, with the growing interest in distribution automation systems (DAS), real-time control of the distribution system has become possible. DAS needs many meters to obtain real-time measurements, with which it is possible to develop algorithms to identify the network topology, and a distribution SE may soon be justified to provide the real-time power profile. Similar to EMS, SE should be executed after the network topology update. In a distribution,2013-11-16 18:08:42,下载8次
00488059(1).rar - In the past, distribution system load flow was the only tool used for planning or/and operational purposes [4- 121. Recently, with the growing interest in distribution automation systems (DAS), real-time control of the distribution system has become possible. DAS needs many meters to obtain real-time measurements, with which it is possible to develop algorithms to identify the network topology, and a distribution SE may soon be justified to provide the real-time power profile. Similar to EMS, SE should be executed after the network topology update. In a distribution,2013-11-16 18:05:21,下载9次
colloborative-gps-ins-nav(1).rar - A large problem with navigation systems that use GPS is that, due to the possibility of satellite out ages, there are many occasions when the GPS re ceiver fails to deliver enough information to support an error free navigation. In this paper, techniques will be presented to increase position accuracy and navigation robustness in an urban environment by means of collaborative navigation.,2013-11-16 18:01:03,下载2次
Embedded-Image-Processing-with-DSP-Examples-in-MA - 2. Structure and Organization of the Book Prerequisites Conventions and Nomenclature CD-ROM The Representation of Digital Images DSP Chips and Image Processing Useful Internet Resources 2 3 4 6 9 10 13 ls 15 . The TMS320C6000 Line of DSPs 16 2.1.1 VLIW and VelociTI 17 2.1.2 Fixed-Point versus Floating-Point 21 2.1.3 TI DSP Development Tools (C6701 EVM & C6416 DSK) 25 TI Software Development Tools 26 2.2.1 EVM support libraries 28 2.2.2 Chip Support Library 28 2.2.3 DSP/BIOS 29,2013-02-19 19:52:21,下载8次
Classification-Parameter-Estimation-a-State-Estim - Engineering disciplines are those fields of research and development that attempt to create products and systems operating in, and dealing with, the real world. The number of disciplines is large, as is the range of scales that they typically operate in: from the very small scale of nanotechnol- ogy up to very large scales that span whole regions, e.g. water manage- ment systems, electric power distribution systems, or even global systems (e.g. the global positioning system, GPS). ,2013-02-19 19:36:01,下载6次
Business-Economics-a-Finance-with-Matlab-GIS-and- - How to Use This Book 1 2 Mathematical and Simulation Models in Business Economics 16 3 MATLAB and Simulink Design Guidelines 26 4 Importing and Reporting Your Data 53 5 Library Functions for Business Economics 83 6 Economic Impact Models 110 7 Fiscal Impact Models 137 8 Tax Revenue and Tax Policy 149 9 Regional Economics 164 10 Applications for Business 182 11 Business Valuation and Damages Estimatio,2013-02-19 19:32:51,下载5次
An-Introduction-to-Programming-and-Numerical-Meth - This text provides an introduction to the numerical methods that are typically encountered (and used) in science and engineering undergraduate courses. The material is developed in tandem with MATLAB which allows rapid prototyping and testing of the methods. The package MATLAB (matrix laboratory) pro- vides an environment in which students can learn to programme and explore the structure of the numerical methods. The methods included here are of a basic nature and only rely on material which should have been explored prior to the fi rst year undergraduate stage.,2013-02-19 19:28:46,下载5次
qos_support_ns.rar - Le simulateur ns permet la description et la simulation de réseaux IP. Le réseau est représenté (modélisé) par ses sources de trafic (applications), ses protocoles (UDP, TCP), ses routeurs (avec leurs files d attente) et les liens qui les relient. Le réseau est xgraph pour dessiner des courbes). L utilisateur décrit le modèle de son réseau, c est-à-dire les éléments qui le constituent, dans le langage OTcl (une extension objet du langage tcl). Ce fichier est ensuite passé au simulateur proprement dit. Celui-ci se nomme ns. Le modèle étant décrit dans le fichier modele.tcl, on exécute : > ns modele.tcl,2011-05-14 07:35:52,下载7次
NS2-2.rar - Option explanation type: traffic/connection type. Must be tcp or cbr. nn: number of nodes. seed: seed for generating random number. It is used to generate the random starting time of the traffic. mc: maximum number of connections. rate: packet rate = 1 / packet interval Generate real random traffic cbrgen.tcl does not generate the real random traffic. ,2011-05-14 07:33:02,下载6次
Ns_2_Simulation.rar - Option explanation type: traffic/connection type. Must be tcp or cbr. nn: number of nodes. seed: seed for generating random number. It is used to generate the random starting time of the traffic. mc: maximum number of connections. rate: packet rate = 1 / packet interval Generate real random traffic cbrgen.tcl does not generate the real random traffic. ,2011-05-14 07:31:32,下载1次
Wireless_world_in_NS.rar - Mobilenode at core of mobility model Mobilenodes can move in a given topology, receive/transmit signals from/to wireless channels Wireless network stack consists of LL, ARP, MAC, IFQ etc Allows simulations of multi-hop ad hoc networks, wireless LANs, sensor networks etc ,2011-05-14 07:27:49,下载6次
beginners-NS.rar - Design of a graphical interface for NS-2  Study of sensors networks with Ad-hoc support  Implementation of Fuzzy controller inside Queue objects  Implementation of Genetic Routing inside NS-2,2011-05-14 07:25:16,下载4次
Extremeprogrammingandagileprocessesinsoftwareengi - Software development is being revolutionized. The heavy-weight processes of the 1980s and 1990s are being replaced by light-weight, so called agile processes. Agile processes move the focus of software development back to what really matters: running software. This is only made possible by accepting that software development is a creative job done by, with, and for individual human beings. For this reason, agile software development encourages interaction, communication, and fun.,2009-10-17 19:31:19,下载2次
WirelessSecurityKnowItAll.rar - What is it that makes a wireless medium so unique? What are the problems of operating in the wireless medium and how are they overcome? What are the different types of wireless networks in use today? How does each one of them work and how do they differ from each other? The aim of this chapter is to answer these questions so as to establish a context in which wireless security can be studied in the following chapters. ,2009-10-17 19:27:13,下载3次
WebDesignForDummies2ndEd2006.rar - Designing the actual graphics for a Web site is the fun part. Chapters 7 through 12 discuss graphic design issues and techniques according to how they relate to the Web, along with all the technical color theory and palette stuff that you need to know. I also show you graphic production techniques and how to prepare client presentations. Part IV: Producing the Final Web Site,2009-10-17 19:21:55,下载5次
BeginningPHPandOracle.rar - In many ways the PHP language is representative of the stereotypical open source project, created to meet a developer’s otherwise unmet needs and refined over time to meet the needs of its growing community. As a budding PHP developer, it’s important you possess some insight into how the language has progressed, as it will help you to understand the language’s strengths, and to some extent the reasoning behind its occasional idiosyncrasies. ,2009-10-17 18:39:23,下载2次

