
注册日期:2010-03-12 02:26:32

HLSLWavingGrassEffect.zip - 25/05/2005 : Demo ported to DirectX April SDK 2004 // - Batch Grass Vertex // - Use HLSL Vertex Shader to move grass // // - Grass texture used is a modified version of the ATI Grass Demo ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////,2010-03-12 03:01:57,下载22次
dx9_shadow_volume.zip - // Note: The buildShadowVolume() method contains a data type called MeshVertex, //which is basically hard-coded to work with my sample s teapot mesh. //If you want to use another mesh instead of the teapot, you ll need to // find out what the FVF layout is for its vertex type and substitute it // there for MeshVertex. //---------------------------------------------------------------------- ,2010-03-12 02:42:06,下载4次
dx9_point_light.zip - //Name: dx9_point_light.cpp //Author: Kevin Harris // Last Modified: 02/17/05 //Description: This sample demonstrates how to setup point lighting with //Direct3D. The sample also demonstrates how the tessellation // or triangle count of a mesh effects lighting. ,2010-03-12 02:40:53,下载5次
D3DCamera1.zip - // This is the first demo in the Direct3D camera demo series. In this demo we // implement the classic vector based camera. The camera supports 2 modes of // operation: first person camera mode, and flight simulator camera mode. We // don t implement the third person camera in this demo. A future demo will // explore the implementation of the third person camera.,2010-03-12 02:39:46,下载11次
D3D9ParallaxNormalMapping.zip - // This demo implements tangent space parallax normal mapping with offset // limiting using a series of Direct3D High Level Shading Language (HLSL) // shaders. A single D3DX Effect file (.fx) is provided with three techniques // that implements parallax normal mapping for each of the three Direct3D light // types: direction, point, and spot lights.,2010-03-12 02:38:41,下载15次
D3D9NormalMapping.zip - // This demo implements tangent space normal mapping using a series of Direct3D // High Level Shading Language (HLSL) shaders. A single D3DX Effect file (.fx) // is provided with three techniques that implements normal mapping for each // of the three Direct3D light types: direction, point, and spot lights. //,2010-03-12 02:37:23,下载26次

