
注册日期:2011-03-19 20:08:02

OpenMeter-master.zip - CS5463 metering ic interfacing with atmega164P,2013-07-18 14:37:01,下载21次
externint.rar - Demonstrates use of external interrupts. Each time a push button is pressed, the external interrupt INT0 is called, which increments the global variable led and outputs its value to port B. For simplicity, no de-bouncing is implemented.,2012-12-18 16:32:32,下载4次
externalsram.rar - This example shows how external devices such as external SRAM and FLASH, and peripherals such as LCD-display, A/D, and D/A can be access with the External Memory Interface. To enable the External Memory Interface, the SRE bit must be set in the MCUCR register and optionally one or more wait states. When the AT90S8515 is operated in the external SRAM mode, port A is used as a multiplexed low-order address bus and data bus while port C is is used as high order address bus. In this example data is written to external memory location $4000 and read back and output to LED connected to port B. Note: When using AVR Studio 4 for simulation, External Memory Interface must be enabled using the menu Option "Debug -> AVR Simulator Options -> Device Selection and select check box "External Memory Interface",2012-12-18 16:31:19,下载5次
debounce_keys.rar - Description: Demonstrates debouncing 8 keys. The state of the eight keys is sampled four times using a timer interrupt. If a key is pressed longer than four seconds, the corresponding bit in the key_press global variable is set. The main loop checks if a bit is set in this global variable and resets the bit.,2012-12-18 16:30:15,下载3次
adc.rar - Description: An analog signal applied to analog input ADC0 is converted into a 10 bit digital value using the built-in Analog-to-digital Converter. The higher 8 bits of the converted value is output to PORTB.,2012-12-18 16:27:21,下载3次
uartlibrary.zip - DESCRIPTION: An interrupt is generated when the UART has finished transmitting or receiving a byte. The interrupt handling routines use circular buffers for buffering received and transmitted data. The UART_RX_BUFFER_SIZE and UART_TX_BUFFER_SIZE variables define the buffer size in bytes. Note that these variables must be a power of 2. USAGE: Refere to the header file uart.h for a description of the routines. See also example test_uart.c. NOTES: Based on Atmel Application Note AVR306,2012-12-18 16:23:45,下载6次
lcdlibrary.zip - Title: testing output to a HD44780 based LCD display. http://jump.to/fleury File: $Id: test_lcd.c,v 1.6 2004/12/10 13:53:59 peter Exp $ Software: AVR-GCC 3.3 Hardware: HD44780 compatible LCD text display ATS90S8515/ATmega if memory-mapped LCD interface is used any AVR with 7 free I/O pins if 4-bit IO port mode is used,2012-12-18 16:21:38,下载13次

