
注册日期:2011-06-16 21:57:21

Digital-watermarkin.rar - 数字水印技术与应用电子书,王颖等著。全面介绍了数字水印技术及算法,并附有MATLAB实现。,2013-02-04 22:55:17,下载69次
Clock.zip - 在turbo C 下写个一个倒计时时钟,最后5秒PC喇叭会发出声音提示,属于c语言高级编程。,2011-06-16 22:51:28,下载2次
xian.zip - 我自己写的一个介绍古城西安的网页,包含有5大块内容,自己觉得很漂亮!,2011-06-16 22:46:32,下载2次
matlab-source.rar - 数学建模中用到的各种算法的matlab源代码,包含所有常用算法集,matlab学习必备代码。,2011-06-16 22:42:33,下载99次
mario-cPP.rar - 超级玛丽增强版源码,内含游戏制作的全过程详解文档!,2011-06-16 22:36:30,下载5次
graphg.zip - Matlab官方超级详细绘图教程,共540页,精通matlab绘图必备!,2011-06-16 22:30:33,下载12次
release.zip - 用JAVA写的超级马里奥。 The code is basically undocumented, but should be readable anyway as it s fairly clean. The main entry points are AppletLauncher and FrameLauncher. The main game is in MarioComponent. "sonar" is the base of a software sound engine I ve been working on. It s pretty nice, but there s a few bugs in it (mostly timing based). It can easilly be ripped out and reused in another project. The level editor isn t used for anything more than changing the behavior of blocks anymore. But I think there s still code in there somewhere for loading a level instead of generating it, so if you want to reintroduce static levels, you ve got a nice base for a level editor there. The game DOES support scrolling in the Y directions right out of the box! However, I didn t think it fit the retro feeling, so I made all levels only one screen tall. ) The sprite package and class should be renamed into "entity" or "mobile" or something..,2011-06-16 22:14:05,下载10次
PC-audio.zip - 在turbo c中,程序中利用PC喇叭实现背景音乐的讨论。,2011-06-16 22:05:55,下载2次
chengji3.zip - 用链表实现的计算比赛成绩的程序,输入比赛时每位评委给出的成绩,会自动计算出最后得分,并且排序、生成RANK DAT.TXT。,2011-06-16 22:02:11,下载2次

