
注册日期:2011-11-22 01:02:30

midi_v2m_info.zip - Midi info - V2M info The Midi Info component is very easy read properties from a midifle.,2011-11-22 01:29:01,下载10次
JOYSTICK-V1.0.0.rar - JOYSTICK V1.0.0 The Joystick v1.0.0 component very easy joystick controller.,2011-11-22 01:25:51,下载10次
virtual-midi-keyboard.zip - Virtual MIDI keyboard Virtual Midi keyboard component for Delphi. Enjoy,2011-11-22 01:22:45,下载19次
joy2midi-0.3-src.zip - Joy2Midi v0.3 Joy2Midi is based upon Events .. an Event can be a button (Button1), or some sort of action (such as Left). Every command has On and Off checks. For an event to go "On" all the on checks must be satisfied. For example, for the Button1 event, the on checks are New Button1=128 and Old Button1=0 .. 128 is the DirectInput code for pressed. Conversely, the off checks are New Button1=0, Old Button1=128..,2011-11-22 01:20:01,下载4次
DDV_SRC.zip - digital data viewer. Data formats that may work with ddv: Pegasus Bio-logic Medelec (12-bit) Easys raw binary 2-byte multiplexed integers raw binary 2-byte multiplexed floats ASCII ,2011-11-22 01:07:42,下载11次

MMTools.2.0.FullSource_2.rar - MM tools Components For DELPHI
gnmidi.zip - MIDI转换软件 用于MP3产生midi
Java2Pas.rar - 将java包转换为pascal的代码,以方便delphi或lazarus程序调用
