
注册日期:2015-01-09 21:02:16

ofdm_system.rar - 采用QPSK调制,研究OFDM多普勒频移估计与补偿算法,2019-04-12 20:25:52,下载23次
C8051F020.zip - 全国海洋航行比赛智能航行C8051F020控制程序,2015-05-28 19:02:02,下载4次
PL-2303_Vista_Win7_Driver_Installer.zip - 2007年的PL2302的驱动,可以解决win8.1上驱动无效的问题,2015-05-28 18:57:41,下载14次
MPU6050.zip - STM控制GY521,采用模拟I2C总线,有两个源文件和两个头文件,2015-05-28 18:51:19,下载10次

《Python编程入门(第3版)》中文PDF+英文PDF.rar - 《Python编程入门(第3版)》中文PDF+英文PDF.rar
rx_almt22.rar - Both these questions can be answered by assuming a restrictive yet simple doubly-selective channel model. More specifically, we assume ablock fading CCE-BEMchannel, which is defined as a block fading channel where the time-variation subblock to subblock is modeled by a CCE-BEM. Hence, we first develop and analyze the STBC under this block fading CCE-BEM channel model, and then, we show how to decode the STBC for real-life channels, which do not exactly fit this block fading CCE-BEM channel model
MRC.rar - ns STBC for purely time-selective channels by transforming the time-selective channels into frequency-selective channels, and by adjusting existing space–time code designs over frequency-selective MIMO channels to collect joint space–Doppler gains over purely time-selective MIMO channels. Further, [14] uses the ideas of [12] to develop a space–time code that can achieve full space-delay-Doppler diversity for any number of transmit–receive antennas. However, to quantify the maximum Doppler diversity order [2], the above papers rely on a parsimonious critically sampled complex-exponential basis expansion model (CCE-BEM) for the underlying purely time-selective or doubly-selective channels [16]. However, the CCE-BEM may have a large modeling error under certain channel conditions
BEM-master.zip - 基函数扩展模型相关matlab代码,包含信道估计及其均衡 。
BEM_CE.rar - 基于BEM的无线信道估计,模型有CE-BEM、DPS-BEM、DKL-BEM等
bem.zip - BEM基扩展信道估计相关中外文献,对研究快速时变信道具有重要参考作用
BH1750FVILCD.zip - 光照传感器BH1750FVI在lcd显示
STC_GY-30.rar - BH1750FVI光照传感器应用在STC89C52芯片上的程序。C语言描述。
DICT_Samples_Slides.zip - Digital Image Correlation
Digital_Image_Correlation_2010b.zip - 实现数字图像相关(DIC)方法的计算的Matlab代码
TensileResult.rar - Correlate stress strain curve with Acoustic Emission Features
SHT10.rar - 使用keil C并用PROTEUS仿真,实现8051单片机对温湿度传感器SHT10数据采集,并使用1602液晶显示。
程序.zip - 随着生活质量的提高,越来越多的人喜欢在家中养花,但经常因不能及时照顾花的生长环境而导致花枯萎。为改善这种情况本系统提出了一种基于51单片机的智能浇花系统,该系统是以51单片机为主控制器,通过DS1302时钟模块设定在固定的时间进行浇水,浇水的时间为60秒;同时使用温度传感器DS18B20和湿度传感器对土壤的温度和湿度进行检测,当检测到的环境状况是属于土壤缺水的情况,则主控制器会打开水泵开关开始浇水,当不在是缺水的情况时则停止浇水。经过后期的多次测试,该系统可以成功的实现预期的设计目标。
Wavelet-Toolbox-4.3.zip - 小波变换的matlab建模实现,代码很全
channel_simulink.rar - 基于matlab的信道仿真。包含了信道建模、qpsk调制解调、ofdm技术等等。
solution-manual.rar - 《An introduction to signal detection and estimation》第二版 作者:H.Vincent Poor 课后习题答案
convcode_interleaving.rar - 一个实现了213卷积码编码和卷积交织的verilog程序,编译通过
crc_16.rar - 利用verilog实现的一个(2,1,2)卷积码的编码器,很有用的哟!
Adaptive-filter-theory.rar - 自适应滤波原理一书,信号处理界的经典教程。
