
注册日期:2017-09-14 20:48:27

ZXGZGL.zip - The staff can use the ID card number and password to inquire about wages in a month. Have permission to modify their own password. The financial manager can import the payroll form of a month, and can inquire and delete the wage schedule of a month. It has its own account number and password, which can be modified for a particular item. Overtime managers can import overtime fees for a month, and can query and delete the overtime schedule for a month. It has its own account number and password, which can be modified for a particular item.,2018-06-21 08:18:16,下载0次
FreeTextBoxb.zip - The most popular free ASP.NET that the rich text editor, can customize the editor interface, including Office 2000/Office XP/Office 2003 interface speed, good features, can support multiple browsers,2018-06-21 08:16:34,下载0次
ReoGrid.zip - The.NET spreadsheet control is written. Support cell merge, border style, pattern background color, data format, freeze, formula, macro and script execution, table events, etc.,2018-06-21 08:15:26,下载0次
AutoUpdate.zip - To automatically update the folder, it can be updated regularly, restored, and has a backup view log.,2018-06-21 08:12:24,下载0次
MySqlBackup.zip - A.NET programming language (DLL) that can backup / restore MySQL database. It can replace MySqlDump. This tool handles all values and parameters using the local.NET language.,2018-06-21 08:10:46,下载0次
dawji.zip - Optimization class contains several simple sample programs, Including script files and function files in the form, Based on the time delay estimation of power spectrum.,2017-09-14 20:48:58,下载1次
vkbfk.zip - Part of the license plate recognition locator feature, It contains CV, CA, Single, current, constant turn rate, turning model, Including the area, perimeter, rectangular, elongation.,2017-09-14 20:48:47,下载1次

lmd.zip - LMD算法,对信号进行LMD分解,分解的层数可由自己定,并且能得出分解波形,可运行
eeg_pre.rar - 关于eeg预处理批处理的一个脚本。可根据自己文件名自行修改
ADS1298.rar - 基于FPGA搭建的ADS芯片的SPI通信接口 内主要含SPI协议,指令译码控制器,及控制信号寄存器堆
Kalman.zip - 是一个的用卡尔曼滤波实现图像目标跟踪,对于初学者比较实用,用来分析卡尔曼滤波器的算法迭代,等等
Upload_Actual_JPEG.zip - 一个简易版的Jpeg压缩解压matlab源码
matlab_jpeg.zip - JPEG压缩,matlab实现的JPEG压缩算法
基于Matlab的JPEG图像压缩编解码的设计与实现.zip.zip - 基于MATLAB的JPEG压缩编程实现实例
JPEG.rar - 基于JPEG的图像压缩,觉得可用,同学的毕业设计作品
jpeg系统实现.rar - jpeg基本系统编解码实现程序,内附说明文件。
jpeg.rar - jpeg压缩的matlab程序,包括分块,量化,霍夫曼编码,其中量化和霍夫曼编码用查表实现,提高速度。
work.rar - 常用图像压缩编码码matlab实现。包括:DM编码、变换编码(FFT和DCT)、算术编码、行程编码、Huffman编码、线性预测编码和一个近似的JPEG编码过程。非常适合入门用户实践。
jpeg.rar - matlab实现jpeg压缩,很经典 matlab实现jpeg压缩,很经典
jpeg in matlab.zip - JPEG 是Joint Photographic Experts Group(联合图像专家小组)的缩写,是第一个国际图像压缩标准。JPEG图像压缩算法能够在提供良好的压缩性能的同时,具有比较好的重建质量,被广泛应用于图像、视频处理领域。本代码是JPEG图像压缩算法在MATLAB上实现
jpeg-matlab.rar - jpeg压缩matlab程序,可供学习图像视频编解码的同学学习
mpeg.rar - 用MATLAB语言编写的MPEG视频图像压缩编码。可运行实现
jpeg.zip - 用C语言程序实现BMP图像解压为JPEG图像,运行结果完美
MMF_JPEG_encoder.rar - 对bmp位图图片实现JPEG压缩,代码是纯C语言的,经过代码优化
jpeg-compress.rar - JPEG压缩代码,经典数字图像处理实验,内含测试图片,可以直接运行
JPEG-compress.rar - 自己编的图片JPEG压缩算法,包含实例图片
jpeg_verilog.rar - Jpeg压缩的Verilog代码,小图片
