
注册日期:2020-03-30 08:37:13

PWM_INVERTER.rar - This Simulink model presents a PWM-inverter,2020-03-30 09:12:03,下载1次
Pont_tout_thyristors_3.rar - This Simulink model presents a full bridge AC-DC converter,2020-03-30 09:05:26,下载0次
Pont_tout_thyristors.rar - This file shows a model of an AC-DC converter,2020-03-30 09:00:55,下载1次
Single_phase_full_bridge_controlled.zip - This simulink model present a Single Phase Full bridge controlled.,2020-03-30 08:57:04,下载0次
inductionmotor.rar - SIMULINK model of induction motor,2020-03-30 08:48:46,下载1次

threelevel.rar - three-level inverter Diode clamped inverter
xin.rar - 基于永磁同步的电机直接转矩控制的simulink仿真
PMSM_traditional.zip - 实现永磁同步电机的直接转矩控制,是继矢量控制后发展起来的高性能的交流变频控制
Direct-torque-control-of-permanent-magnet-synchro - Direct torque control of permanent magnet synchronous motor
Induction-Motor-supplied-by-Matrix-Converter.zip - Induction Motor supplied by Matrix Converter
read-online.rar - 感应电机采用单电流传感器故障诊断和容错控制技术对其具体介绍。
131-Fault-tolerant-control-Strategy-of-PMSM.rar - Fault tolerant control Strategy of PMSM Drive Using a Four-Leg Three-phase Inverter
motor_diag.zip - 鼠笼式异步电机转子断条故障诊断matlab源代码
dianjihechang.rar - simulink下的异步交流异步电机dqo模型,可以模拟异步电机定子短路和转子断条的故障
Diagnosis-and-Fault-Tolerant-Control.rar - In this work we introduce a recent implicit fault tolerant control technique for the permanent magnet synchronous machine. After a state of the art in the FTC domain, we elaborate the complete model of the machine witch allow to study its behavior in different cases. The unknown torque load and parametric variations are compensated by the robust backstepping control low but in order to detect and compensate faults, we use this technique witch we study in detail. We also propose a new method for generating compensation terms in the control low.
dianjiguzhangzhenduan.rar - 用matlab编写的电机故障诊断的M文件,可以判断故障电机故障类型
PMSMsys.rar - 永磁同步电机自建模型仿真,此自建模型是基于dq轴的永磁同步电机,希望给初学自建烦琐子系统的同仁有点参考价值
model_kalman.rar - 基于卡尔曼滤波技术的永磁同步电机故障诊断与容错控制源码,文章已经发表了,收录于ICACMVE‘07会议论文
tao.zip - 容错控制,控制律,扰动观测器,滑模控制。
FYP2018-master.zip - fault tolerant control 22
FTC4BWB-master.zip - fault tolerant control
five_leg(two motor).zip - 多机控制系统容错控制,异步电机矢量控制,桥臂共享,速度外环电流内环
five_leg(one-motor).zip - 5管脚三相交直交异步电机控制模型,可用于容错控制,节省晶闸管。
三相永磁同步电机矢量控制建模与仿真.zip - 本文首先分析了永磁同步电机矢量控制的发展概况,然后从机电能量转换的角度出发,解释三相永磁同步电机的机电能量转换原理,推导拉格朗日运动方程。此外,列写出永磁同步电机在三相静止坐标系和dq坐标系下的数学模型。基于Simulink建立了转速电流双闭环矢量控制系统的仿真模型,通过对仿真结果分析,验证了永磁同步电机矢量控制系统性能的优越性。
