
注册日期:2020-12-04 15:41:18

sliderbarvcsrc.rar - Article in the form of VC realize the slider drag the example of a similar volume control, drag the slider and drag to change the corresponding parameter, can be used in the software project user-defined parameter module, demonstration effect, as shown in the screenshot customizable thickness, the number of the slider of the slider, parameters such as the position of the slider.,2021-04-26 20:05:22,下载0次
SmartXMLWebsite.rar - Do a Flash pictures website source code, the Flash version of the corporate web site source code, with Fla source files, like Flash websites don't miss oh.The entire website interface are all made of the Flash, background music, XML for the configuration files, including the Logo and menu is a Flash, animation effect is very much, very dynamic.,2021-04-26 20:05:15,下载1次
bihua.rar - Delphi7 calculation of strokes of Chinese characters has a few strokes, input a Chinese character, the program will calculate the number of strokes, the word will output the result will be an integer.,2021-04-26 20:04:30,下载0次
Library.rar - SQL version Winform C library management system, it is a big project, the client based on the Winform, in addition to server-side programs based on ASP.NET, two parts jointly run Microsoft. NET development platform for the perfect image management system, the other with complete technical documentation, such as: code specification (C). Doc, image management system function specification. Doc, detailed design specification. Doc, etc., seems to be available as a complete course design for reference.,2021-04-15 16:13:31,下载0次
vcPicSize.rar - VC image width size, not bytes in size, width of the image to get the height of the pixels and the pixels value.After the program is running, click on the "get big inclined pixels, can show the width and height of the image.,2021-04-15 16:13:24,下载0次
mousekey.rar - Delphi keyboard mouse action record and playback, the messages are passed to the chain must be under an accepting unit, is removed from the chain hook function, establish the keyboard mouse operation record message chain, set up the keyboard mouse message replay chain operation.,2021-04-15 16:13:17,下载0次
u_kill_tool.rar - VB version of the usb cleaner with code, programming ideas:,2021-04-15 15:30:06,下载0次
NetDemo.rar - Delphi enabled disable card as an example, using Delphi testing card type, and the disable and enable the source code, as shown above, enumerate system card first, and then through a check box to enable it.,2021-04-15 15:29:59,下载0次
starflash.rar - The mouse across the stars twinkle Flash effect, when open animation, there are little stars in the fall, the effect of falling stars, then the text appear, very delicate effect, can be used for fantastic special effects production, you are a shining star, download flash8 source material.,2021-04-15 15:29:52,下载0次

seismic_ani_processing_program.rar - 1 VTI或者任意各向异性模型围绕x-,y-,z-轴旋转,获得在新坐标系中的各向异性模型。 2 给定地表和某一深度处的各向异性参数,可以对其进行插值计算,以此建立VSP各向异性模型。 3 计算walkaway VSP理论数据。 4 计算walkaway VSP理论地震图。
gm1n.rar - 多变量灰色模型(Multivariable Grey Model,MGM)MGM(1,n)是研究复杂灰色系统的典型模型,其形式是n元一阶常微分方程组,是单点GM(1,1)模型在多点情况的扩展。
GA_backpack.zip - 用MATLAB实现遗传算法解决0-1背包问题。 赌轮选择,单点交叉,变异
Cylindrical-waveguide-simulation.rar - 阶跃型折射率光纤中的模式容量和光功率分布,单模光纤的特征方程及其MATLAB数值求解,多模光纤的特征方程及其MATLAB数值求解
sdh_pointer_deal.zip - 文件描述的是SDH 指针处理和系统同步代码 veriolg
zhuanjia111.rar - 用专家系统优化下面的PID参数或设计一个专家控制器,被控对象为 并与PI控制算法进项比较
趋势网格.rar - 网格交易系统 自动挂单 带止盈止损,选对方向盈利非常高
gabor.rar - 基于openCV的gabor函数,一位牛人编写的。希望对大家有用
模拟散斑MATLAB程序.zip - 生成计算机模拟散斑图案,模拟实际物体表面形变
无线通信的MATLAB和FPGA实现.rar - 无线通信的MATLAB和FPGA实现,书籍,经典无线通信,代码可以实现
CH9.zip - 基于Fortran编程环境的数值积分算法,包括复合梯形求积法,复合Simpson积分以及复合高斯积分法等
graph-vertex-coloring.zip - 简单图的染色数尽可能少的顶点染色方案,给定一个简单图,输入邻接矩阵就可以到最少颜色数和染色方案
SVM-pe.rar - SVM向量机用于目标分类的代码,代码很简单,可以运行,适合新手
rtklib_2.4.2_bin.zip - RTKLIB是日本东京海洋大学开发(Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology)开发的一个开放源程序包,供标准与精确GNSS全球导航卫星系统应用。RTKLIB包括一个可移植的程序库和几个应用程序(AP)库。 RTKLIB的特点: (1)支持标准的和精确的定位算法:GPS,GLONASS,QZSS准天顶卫星系统,北斗和SBAS (2)支持多种定位模式与GNSS实时和后处理:单点,DGPS / DGNSS,动态的,静态的,移动基线,定点,PPP运动,PPP静态和PPP定点
潮流计算节点电压.zip - 给定的运行条件有系统中各电源和负荷点的功率、枢纽点电压、平衡点的电压和相位角。待求的运行状态参量包括电网各母线节点的电压幅值和相角,以及各支路的功率分布、网络的功率损耗等
SLS_FOC_dsPIC33EP32MC202_A_V1.zip - 无霍尔FOC控制软件,dspic33fj32mc204单片机。
Cammer-Distance.rar - Opencv摄像机测量距离,两点成线测量,将结果在右侧方框中显示,有比较高的精度
GLTest1_rotate.rar - 实现opengl三维坐标的绘制和任意旋转
time_dealy2.zip - 延时求和算法,DOA算法,空间波束方向,面阵列,线阵列,原创
随机森林用于模式分类.zip - 随机森林用于模式分类识别算法,包含代码和数据
