
注册日期:2020-12-04 15:43:38

flashyanwu.rar - Flash realistic smoke effects the Fla file, Flash smoke text effects, a bit like the flying cloud, smoke is also very appropriate, smoke really vivid animation, open the Fla file compiled can see the effect!~,2021-04-15 16:34:57,下载0次
cssmenus.rar - 19 JS version of a concise drop-down menu effects - including images, tested, can be used, but found a problem that raged, the menu seems not modify, JS appears to be encrypted, I can do the along while also didn't break off, still hope JavaScript to fix this problem.,2021-04-15 16:34:39,下载0次
GetSpecFolderPath.rar - C for special Windows download folder path of the source code examples, such as access to the Program Files path, the desktop directory path, the path of the start menu, the user Program group, the path of the document template, favorites, the path of Shared components, Internet history and temporary Internet Files path information, such as remember to send a similar source, before the source code for reference only.,2021-04-15 16:34:24,下载0次
Delphisetting.rar - Quick setup - written by Delphi Delphi environment, suitable for beginners to configure the Delphi development environment, has the control interface in use, free like the window title bar drag form, program font can be set, also feel not too highly technical, but indeed will give beginners to use with a lot of help.,2021-04-15 16:05:00,下载0次
Doc.MZ.rar - Doc. MZ PHP document management system, based on open source editor, md, basic grammar and fully support the Markdown extended syntax (flow diagram, sequence diagram and function formula), with the PC version of a web page, the various version of the mobile version, single file, at any time convenient to share, to generate a separate HTML page, also can generate convenient to print the PDF page, running environment: PHP5.3, MySQL5.0.,2021-04-15 16:04:51,下载0次
image-compare.rar - Multiple sets of HTML 5 based image contrast, before and after pictures of three groups of two forms than effect, drag the middle of the two photos before and after the separation line can see the effect of different, the effect is quite early in the application in the smart phone, the WEB version of the image, use scope is quite wide oh, pictures are also very convenient to use than the special effects.,2021-04-15 16:04:32,下载0次

An-Introduction-to-Statistical.rar - 统计学习的入门书,通俗易懂,号称是ESL的入门版,全书没有太多数学推导,适合学工程的人不适合学统计的人读
ysdemo.rar - 永远的伊苏同人游戏.引擎开发+地图编辑器+脚本编辑器+主角/NPC/怪物/魔法编辑器+图片处理器+剧情设计
Forecast.rar - 利用ARIMA处理分析时间序列,计算数列相关性和数字特征并通过计算所得值进行一定范围的预测
CAR代码.rar - 利用stata计算累计超额收益率CAR的代码 - 用于检测图像的复制粘贴,包括旋转、缩放等,算法是基于sift - 程序是基于DSP的数字图像处理技术,可以实现军事滤波,中值滤波和维纳滤波,实现效果较好
SCCCmatlab.rar - SCCC iterative decoding using the Communications System Toolbox MATLAB.
STM32ser.rar - 基于STM32的双串口通信程序,能实现两个串口的收发,程序默认采用串口2接收数据,串口1发送
OpenCV-basic.rar - 《OpenCV教程——基础篇》电子书,OpenCV中文书中不错的一本
digital filter.rar - 各种滤波器,包括高通、低通、带通等滤波器,可用,直接输入数值即可,可直接使用,没有bug - classify tensor samples by Kernelized Support Tensor Train Machines
归档.zip - 对脉冲多普勒雷达的功能进行仿真,多目标,脉压,分辨率
张贤达《现代信号处理(第二版)习题与解答》.zip - 张贤达《现代信号处理(第二版)习题与解答》.pdf - tsne降维聚类,可视化,可画3D图,可运行,效果不错
预测.rar - 最近写关于最小二乘支持向量机的时间序列预测 搜到的一些很有参考性的论文
elg.rar - elgamal elgrithm by matlab - PMSM FOC PMSM 电机FOC控制方法,微芯公司DSP芯片,完整代码
segmentation.rar - Image Segmentation on sample images. - 一个基于IMU和STM32的独轮自平衡机器人,C语言代码
LSB.rar - 全套的LSB算法代码,下载就能直接运行,包含水印的嵌入,提取加测试。
