
注册日期:2020-12-04 15:44:39

html5-wave.rar - HTML format reflection effects that most of the water source, specifically is to use the Canvas in the HTML 5 technology to realize, the reflection effects are very realistic, looks like a real effect.Reflection on my own view: the degree of the effect of the realistic and the user selected images have very big concern, pictures are after a certain process to achieve the most realistic effect, such as reflection to come into contact with the surface part of the image capture, don't have other spare parts, the bottom edge of the image is usually keep in contact with water, other redundant to lay off oh, in this way can we guarantee the best reflection effect.,2021-04-15 16:47:27,下载0次
unformat.rar - C program to restore accidentally deleted by formatting data, a unformat program, mainly realize the formatted data recovery, support more than 200 g hard disk data recovery after formatting.,2021-04-15 16:47:06,下载0次
NotifyIconSl.rar - C implementation taskbar tray icon procedures, support the right-click pop-up menu, many programs now have the function of automatically adds the tray icon, sometimes can facilitate users operating software, display to the tray of the programs are usually minimized.Sometimes, according to the needs of function, however, try not to take the computer task bar, maybe will let users, reduce use of experience.,2021-04-15 16:19:59,下载0次
extcss.rar - Based on jquery EXTJS completed CSS code generator, can be used to generate the various CSS layout code, core adopted EXTJS plug-in skin, the skin style is very suitable for some WEB version of the information management system, etc, the CSS layout code generator looks very professional window style, convenient to use, of course, this code idea is more important, to demonstrate EXTJS usage and characteristics of the plug-in, welcome to reference.,2021-04-15 16:19:52,下载0次
svg-blur-effect.rar - This effect is integrated with three commonly used site effects of fuzzy animation effects, use HTML 5 SVG technology to realize the motion blur of animation effect, focus figure when switching to blur effect become clearer way to display images in turn, the menu when switching the same motion blur, another side of the page navigation fuzzy switching effect, very cool web page special effects.,2021-04-15 16:19:42,下载0次

3.5寸TFT LCD并口不带触摸.zip - 3.5寸 TFT 屏模组驱动程序,驱动芯片为:ILI9486;供参考。
shiliangkongzhifangzhen.rar - 异步电机矢量控制系统,可以为初学者做系统调试使用。也可以作为多台电机协同控制的基础系统。 - 该算法基本思想是利用一组带有相应权值的随机样本即粒子去逼近PHD分布和基数分布,其意义在于不仅解决重积分计算没有闭式解的难题,而且在滤波过程中,PHD函数被一系列离散的带权值的样本近似,随着样本粒子数量的增加,PHDF接近于Bayes最优估计,而且不受模型线性和高斯假设的限制,可以适用于非线性非高斯的随机系统。 - 用matlab中详细搭建的VSC的模型,可以使用,并且很好使用
伪彩色图像增强软件.rar - 基于MATLAB的伪彩色图像增强的简单gui程序
工况预测初步.zip - 基于马尔科夫链的工况预测,包含多个标准工况的数据
STM32F407AD7606.rar - STM32F407基于FSMC并口读取AD7606的代码,实测可用,开发环境Keil
3G.rar - 3G方面的论文,TD-CDMA WCDMA - 用VLC 控件播放视频的 VC源码。。。。 一个VLC控件范例。
归于三层模型的长周期光纤光栅透射谱的仿真.rar - 归于三层模型的长周期光纤光栅透射谱的仿真
简单粗暴 - 全面的LaTeX教程书籍,适合入门和进阶参考 。
2nodes.rar - opnet Ad hoc仿真源程序,自己构建的路由协议和网络模型 - 全书包括两部分共15章。第1章指出问题求解困难的原因;第2章简要介绍几本概念;第3-5章分别综述穷举搜索法、局部搜索法、贪婪法、分而治之法、动态规划法、分支定界法、模拟退火法和禁忌搜索法;第6-7章介绍一般演化算法的细节问题;第8-10章介绍如何采用演化方法求解TSP问题、处理约束条件以及算法调整;第11章讨论了环境和噪声问题;第12-13分别提供神经网络和模糊系统相关内容;第14章对混合系统和扩展演化算法做简短讨论;第15章介绍演化算法在实际问题中的应用,并给出有价值的提示。 - 人工神经网络实现汉字识别,采用了BP算法进行了几个简单汉字的识别 - UMAT containting a fully implicit elastic predictor/return-mapping algorithm for numerical integration of von Mises yield criterion-based elastoplastic constitutive equations in 2-D plane stress. - 实现强化学习,完成人工智能,实现机器学习,完成深度学习
openGL构造教室.rar - 1、 绘制出的教室里的基本物体:黑板、讲台、投影仪、空调、门窗、音响、九张桌子、九张凳子等。虚拟教室整体看上去接近真实生活中的教室。
QrInv.rar - QR对复数矩阵进行求逆运算,是一个vc动态库源码,源码测试程序中针对是4维复数矩阵采用QR分解方法对4维复数矩阵进行求逆,可扩展,只需修改r上三角矩阵求逆的方法即可
portscan.rar - 端口扫描很好很强大 的,,大家试试,下载吧,可能达不到大家的要求 ,,新手练习 还是必要胡
CCDF_PTS.rar - PAPR reduction in OFDM using PTS technique
