
注册日期:2020-12-05 21:10:18

PaShan_DOS.rar - C DOS games, profound oh, don't understand, master self-test, DOS games, running in the console.,2021-04-15 16:57:57,下载0次
ImgCropper_sys.rar - A JS Crop picture wrapper class and instance, free cutting pictures, show dotted box selected area, at the same time also can be set up completely transparent, narrowing the preview, white background, change pictures, set the image size, and other functions.This effect can be widely applied in the BBS, blog system users in the head cut custom, some online image processing applications.,2021-04-15 16:57:50,下载0次
imagezoom.rar - Flash image magnification technology source code examples, click on the image zoom button in the lower-right corner of the window, can be enlarged current image shows that this technology is to call the details of the two the same picture, but is not the same as the pixel size, enlarged the call display is high pixel image, to simulate the image magnification effect.,2021-04-15 16:57:43,下载0次
bailingsrc.rar - Business people flash animation material, only beautiful, concise, vogue, but do not break professional level, make business cooperation in the class slides or animation, the commercial animation flash source files from South Korea to provide a reference for you.Note: this Flash of's format.,2021-04-15 16:41:04,下载0次
ctdlsrc.rar - Android game development instance of onboard source code, full of resources, is the Android beginners learning Android mobile game development is a good example of the material, the game operation method: the up and down or so control the direction of the artillery, the blank space key shells, the return key to exit the game.This game source code, has developed a lot of game action class, such as: tool for mountain terrain collision detection classes are used to draw up the shell of the ball ball star day graph drawing class represents land, such as the code file are annotations, is conducive to learning Android game development.,2021-04-15 16:40:57,下载0次
AndroidMusicBox.rar - MusicBox Android native music box code - music player, to register their own BroadcastReciever MyMusicBroadcastReciever namely, code complete, the source code package have 8 m, patience to download oh.Learn the android music playback function in the writing methods, for the friend that wants to learn how to android application development, this example is quite good.,2021-04-15 16:40:42,下载0次

用matlab的ARMA模型).zip - 用matlab平稳时间序列的分析,建模以及预测(ARMA模型)
matlab仿真图.rar - 传统全通型微环(All-pass microring)的matlab仿真代码,以及部分参数结果图
RINEX格式说明.zip - GNSS导航卫星的文件的格式说明教学PPT
人脸库代码.rar - 资料为基于BP基于BP神经网络的人脸识别源码(matlab),是课程设计做的一个课题,效果还不错,配备有测试显示界面,比较直观! - 黄广斌教授提出的kelm算法开源,性能非常不错,值得推荐
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fdmpi_v_1.1.rar - fdmpi是用于并行环境的地震正演软件,可以做三维正演模拟 - 十分基础的CCD的测试程序,大家可以下载调试CCD - matlab绘图中柱状图增加图案,用于区分不同柱状图
LBM.rar - 实现圆柱扰流仿真,模拟通道压裂的压裂液流动,分析导流能力及支撑柱的渗透率
pcbquexianjiance.rar - 在MATLAB下的图像处理程序,通过对pcb参数的设定,对比图片,将pcb电路板的缺陷检测出来 - 该程序实现瞬变电磁法三维正演,其中场源可以是多个。 - 应用于abaqus二次开发,考虑J2流动法则,各向同性硬化,可作为初学者参考。
DMX512-kongzhiqi.rar - DMX512舞台灯控制器,本次控制器采用新唐单片机,标准DMX512协议,控制有内控和外控功能。
UI_wince.rar - wince 界面开发资料 以美化按钮为主,贴图等 vs环境运行
fingertips.rar - 利用OpenCV实现单幅图片对于手指的精确识别
BLMS (2).zip - BLMS算法实现,即块LMS算法,是lms算法的的一种优化,值得大家研究
