
注册日期:2020-12-06 13:50:41

vcInvCall.rar - Collected after optimization, the VC encrypt registration module code, compiler can generate DLL directly control, the other with encryption example, to understand the VC file encryption, decryption has reference value.,2021-04-15 15:02:24,下载0次
SeaDiary.rar - Xiong Hai ASP blog system, running on ASP/ACCESS environment, can be used for weibo, diary, blog and other purposes, management address: http:// your domain name/admin default administrator: admin default password: 123456,2021-04-15 15:02:13,下载0次
cellbb.rar - Collected some about Delphi Cell report related test example source code, such as Delphi access sample program, Delphi custom function example program, introduced the uf huabiao Cell components/plugin writing a custom function operation.Using cell component in Delphi database access example:,2021-04-15 15:01:55,下载0次
testHtml5.rar - Collected some HTML web page instance set, including canvas, website drag effects, image effects, player special effects, such as some HTML 5 web animation as an example, this simple example, help beginners better understand related features and methods of the HTML 5.,2021-04-15 15:01:46,下载0次
PersonInfo.rar - A simple Database instance - directory C source code, basic is simple operation, some Database directory data to add, query, delete, read, etc., the Database using essentially, in the Database directory, before the test program, please attach a good Database, and define the connection information, code available in Vs2008 compiled through.,2021-04-15 15:01:38,下载0次
html5colordrmenu.rar - Big DIV style most of two-stage drop-down menu, because it feels after drop-down menu display DIV is bigger, simply called "DIV" here, hehe, not to mention the effect, good, please have a look at this site test.,2021-04-15 15:01:29,下载0次
GLTris.rar - 3 D game tetris source code written in earlier years, but can also be compiled under Delphi7.0, use a control that can be found on the net, the game interface effect see screenshots, is "a good 3 D space than the plane of the tetris game more feeling?,2020-12-07 14:00:57,下载0次
CLOCK.rar - DELPHI with a stopwatch clock source code, using a custom control clock. DLL, but without this control source, the clock with a stopwatch function, the original writing is to give a new love.,2020-12-07 14:00:51,下载0次
ResBuilder.rar - Written by Delphi compiler source (visualization window).In the aspect of interface USES the listview and Treeview control, preview the effect.Pay attention to when using, to add the resources and the generated after the resource files don't save the folder containing Spaces and the characters, the compiler won't be able to identify.,2020-12-07 14:00:39,下载0次
ljump_bankcheck.rar - Delphi vertical report design and custom print dynamic check procedure, use Fastreport3.15, FlatStyle and Ehlib3.5 controls, can be found on the Internet.Program features is to make check print a vertical, and also made a vertical Fr report, Memo Rotation is set to 270, the words are vertical, and then click on the "vertical check", while reading the horizontal coordinate, through the exchange conversion of X and Y, get the vertical Fr statements in the Memo, the coordinates of the corresponding modify the coordinates when dynamic adjustment, reread before preview reports and coordinate conversion, thus realize the vertical check print.,2020-12-07 14:00:33,下载0次
dbgrideh_all.rar - Delphi DBgrideh statements example source code, including the DBgrideh statements control source, the other with six statements example, tree control report, database, report, DataDriverEvents, SQLDataDriver, IbDemo, DirTree, etc., used in Delphi report a very good control.,2020-12-07 14:00:26,下载0次

oneNet透传.zip - 基于ONENET平台GPS数据透传。可单独开发成定位+数据上传+平台分析。
Retinex.rar - 本代码实现基于Retinex理论的三种方法,分别为单尺度Retinex,多尺度Retinex,以及自商图像方法。直接运行每个文件夹下的test文件就可以得到对应的方法的处理结果。 - 劳伦斯教授(罗格斯大学和加州大学圣巴巴拉分校),罗纳德·谢弗教授(斯坦福大学)的团队已经设计了的关于语音信号倒频谱分析的程序,适用,有创新点,里面有很好地注释资料。
频域波数 - 将频域信号变换到波数域,希望可以帮助大家
多控件表格.zip - 向现有测试添加参数,弹出窗口会自动匹配您指定的任何数据类型。自然会有一个标记名和数据类型之间的转换表。为了方便起见,我只使用了数据类型作为标记名。
mcmcstuff.rar - 本源码是基于Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)的Bayesian inference工具包,其中包括MCMC采样,基于MCMC的高斯分类,同时描述了采样的一些方法。其中还有使用文档 - 仿真图是速度、距离、幅度三维图像,预报误差法参数辨识-松弛的思想,合成孔径雷达(SAR)目标成像仿真。
20个优选简历.rar - 二十份精选的简历模板,需要的可以下载看看
inverter_SIMCAD_simulate.rar - 逆变器以及两个逆变器并联在simcad仿真环境下的实现
KKQW_CVT_2phase.rar - 全功率变流器建立的风电机组整机电气仿真建模,包含传动链、风力机等子模块 - 回归轨道卫星,回归周期1天,倾角分别为60度,周期为4h。 - 这是一个自治的三维混沌系统的彩色图像加密程序,该混沌系统具有优良的动力学特性,加密效果明显有效,且抗干扰能力强,是很好的加密系统。
Fresnel-formula.rar - 采用菲涅尔公式分析平板基底材料的能量透射、反射特性 - 以地基分布式有源雷达组网系统为讨论对象,在具体分析了4种系统定位误差的相互关系的基础上,给出了一种 基于ECEF转换法的系统目标综合定位精度评估模型,并利用典型的雷达参数,对2D与3D混合的雷达组网系统的实际目标 综合定位精度进行了仿真和对比分析,得到了一些对雷达组网系统的实际部署优化处理有参考价值的结论。
PWM.rar - msp430单片机控制步进马达应用源代码
STM32dengdaikongzhi.rar - 实现红外和上位机两种方式控制灯带显示七种基本色彩单色模式;实现RGB每种基色的色素以及亮度的增强和减弱;实现自定义的不同模式彩色渐变或者跳变;实现渐变和跳变的速度控制. - 多协议文件传输c/s网络应用设计与实现,程序用 TCP/UDP 两个协议模拟多协议服务器。首先服务器端要将两种协议的套接字创建好,并且监听 TCP 端口的连接。必要时使用select函数来进行多连接处理和非阻塞处理。而客户端直接可以按照发送的地址和端口号来进行通讯。 首先要运行服务器端,服务器会监听 TCP 端口。然后运行客户端,根据事先设定好的 IP和端口,就可以进行连接传输数据了。 程序实现的关键步骤: 以TCP协议为例 服务器端: 1.创建套接字;2.绑定端口;3.进入无穷的循环;4.接收请求;5.处理请求;6.应答。 客户端: 1.找到服务器的IP地址和协议的端口号;2.创建套接字;3.确定连接需要任意的,没有使用的端口号允许TCP去选择一个;4.将套接字和服务器连接;5.使用应用层协议和服务器交互;6.关闭连接。 - 通过使用opencv、scipy和python检测运动人前额信号的微小rgb变化,实现用视频估计心率。 - 基于LQR方法的直线路径跟踪,输入为期望直线路径,输出为左右推进器控制命令 - MIMO系统中,一般的线性检测方法的性能比非线性检测方法要差。通过排序的连续干扰消除方法可以改善线性检测方法的性能。
