
注册日期:2020-12-16 09:19:57

Incredible_Login.rar - Using jQuery Sliding Panel created Sliding effect login box, hidden by default login box, click the button to login to slide out of the box, such an approach is quite common on the net, the jQuery this plugin is used to implement this kind of effect is also very convenient, download the source code package, refer to the demo page calls.,2021-04-15 16:34:06,下载0次
jquery.jqUploader.rar - JqUploader is to realize the file upload jQuery plugin, this is jqUploader file upload plugin using the sample code, jqUploader version is:, this demo, chose PHP, this plugin is a combination of PHP Ajax style no refresh the upload function is realized.The effect of specific see demonstration effect.JqUploader. SWF file includes the fla source file, you can to make modifications to export your own application.,2021-04-15 16:33:59,下载0次
pageshopwx.rar - Another WeChat electricity template includes the source code, this example is purely personal writing.Is the first part (black box) pages in the whole page, each page to add a page, all want to write the path here: the second part tabbar as long as the configuration of these files can produce app at the bottom of the navigation (specific see document) the third part is the widows global configuration pages is to point to each page there are four files json (profile), js (write your own js), WXML (HTML), WXSS (CSS) public files can be generally stored in the remote, can the current development in local new, such as images (can't use the icon file),2021-04-15 16:33:51,下载0次
numberGallery.rar - Flash back switch pages focus image effects, when the switch to a current, can be seen below the corresponding digital button will display the underline, small button in the lower-right corner of the window, can control a switch, the next show on the picture, pictures decorate a border, looks much more cool some visual effect.Based on the Flash8 building.,2021-04-15 16:33:45,下载0次
HCPWProject.rar - Delphi ticketing management system - a database version, including the two sub-systems: booking and ticketing, although not an official version, but can learn writing and thinking of this system, the kernel is nothing but a database system, familiar with Delphi and database operations, is a good material to study the Delphi.,2021-04-15 16:33:30,下载0次
flashsjbutton.rar - Flash button, Flash with gradient buttons, a little crystal button style, after joining the light Flash effect, however, is more cool than crystal button.After the mouse put on, light and shadow, shiny, but more like a halo effect.,2021-04-15 16:33:23,下载0次

QRf分解法求特征值.rar - 一个求解矩阵特征值的程序 用c编写,可运行,计算结果正确
xindaojunheng.zip - kalman算法用于信道均衡,有详细的过程和均衡效果显示
TopologyNetwork6.rar - 专家点评: + t" I2 `0 b% c4 f7 Da.能在十天内完成基本功能还是很不错的,界面友好,能考虑使用Stack的显示方式很不错的。在程序构架设计上还需要提高;SubVI的Icon没有实现及程序构架清晰度不高反映了作者在代码实现前并没有进行详细的程序设计,加油!。* V# V$ K5 ~7 o3 H7 L b.使用LV7.1基本功能,程序功能完善,巧用数据库的方法来实现点的记录保存是一个不错的创意.缺点:也许是个bug,有时在增加节点的时候会出现窗口无法关闭的情况 , t* _ n7 B4 u" e" xc.拓扑图界面做得很好,但是希望能够做到拖拽效果而不是点右键来实现;在程序架构上使用了生产者/消费者模式,比较清晰,建议把子VI的图案稍微设计一下,否则可能读者不知道该VI的大体功能是什么。 + [4 [6 w8 }9 Q$ Z/ qd.设计合理,界面可读性很强,功能清晰。设备管理子面板很出彩,如果可以改变每一个设备的图表就更好了;数据采集面板应该加入选择终端节点的功能;拓扑面板每一个终端节点的右键菜单让人耳目一新,如果能加入拖拽创建的功能就更好了。不足之后还有采集和显示部分没有联系,如果有实时显示的功能就更好了。
2.rar - 9跨每跨35米桥梁响应的车桥耦合程序,使用Fortran编写
dianzimenling.rar - 此压缩包为AT89C51控制的电子门铃 包括keil文件包 以及PROTEUS的仿真 希望对初学者有所帮助
3.4.zip - 延时线的程序,能够实现单轴位移台的位移从而实现延时的效果,获得数据
trackini.rar - 基于纯角度信息的采用逻辑规则和简单方法的航迹起始仿真程序
WOA.rar - 鲸鱼优化算法是一种群智能优化算法,采用启发式搜索,设计了收缩包围机制和螺旋更新位置模拟鲸鱼群体包围、追捕、攻击猎物等过程实现优化搜索。
houghinit.rar - 基于标准Hough变换的航迹起始,对采集的十帧数据进行分析,得到五条起始航迹
-Elliptic.rar - We present elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) coprocessor, which is dual-field processor with projective coordinator. We have implemented architecture for scalar multiplication, which is key operation in elliptic curve cryptography. Our coprocessor can be adapted both prime field and binary field, also contains a control unit with 256 bit serial and parallel operations , which provide integrated highthroughput with low power consumptions. Our scalar multiplier architecture operation is perform base on clock rate and produce better performance in term of time and area compared to similar works. We used Verilog for programming and synthesized using Xilinx Vertex II Pro devices. Simulation was done with Modelsim XE 6.1e, VLSI simulation software from Mentor Graphics Corporation especially for Xilinx devices.
离散粒子群算法DPSO.zip - PSO算法就是模拟一群鸟寻找食物的过程,每个鸟就是PSO中的粒子,也就是我们需要求解问题的可能解
plotgdop.rar - 代码主要用来模拟林芝机场附近一天内4个不同时间GDOP变化情况
整个系统.rar - 这是Labview整体程序,功能是用来提取二次谐波信号
OFDM系统下不同子载波数时PAPR的CCDF曲线.zip - 在ofdm系统下,比较不同载波时,对峰值平均功率比的抑制作用。
tensorflow实现猫狗识别.zip - 使用tensorflow 开源框架实现猫狗种类分类识别外框代码
mdata.zip - 这个程序是对主动配电网的网损计算的,结果精确,程序简单
1.混合流水车间(单目标).zip - 基于混合流水车间的建模思想进行建模,通过matlab运用遗传算法求解自动化码头设备调度集成调度问题。
海杂波.rar - 处理ipix官网下载的雷达原始数据,将方位角以及俯仰角进行处理
Gabor.rar - 使用MATLAB对图像做Gabor变换,提取图像的特征值。
tengqie.zip - 通过虚拟阵元进行DOA估计,多目标跟踪的粒子滤波器,计算晶粒的生长,入门级别程序。
