注册日期:2013-11-28 11:57:00

vspi.rar - // Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) // // The VSPI core implements an SPI interface compatible with the many // serial EEPROMs, and microcontrollers. The VSPI core is typically used // as an SPI master, but it can be configured as an SPI slave as well. // ,2013-11-28 15:24:15,下载3次
SDRAM.rar - SDRAM controller: it contains a SDRAM controller writtern in verilog language. It is a interface between microprocessor and SDRAM device.,2013-11-28 15:19:18,下载1次
usb.rar - USB slave: It is contain a USB slave design written in verilog language. It is a interface between USB host and Functions such as memory, Keyboard, mouse and so on.,2013-11-28 15:16:46,下载7次
pci_host.rar - PCI host: It is a PCI host controller written in verilog language. It is a interface between microprocessor and PCI slave.,2013-11-28 15:03:27,下载11次
NandFlash.rar - NandFlash Controller: It s contain a NandFlash controller in verilog language. It is a interface between microprocess and NandFlash memory.,2013-11-28 15:00:05,下载7次

