
注册日期:2007-05-10 15:35:42

Base-of-TCL-Script.rar - TCL经常被用于快速原型开发,脚本编程,GUI和测试等方面。,2013-03-12 15:44:08,下载2次
Base-of-DNS-server-config.rar - DNS搭建和配置方法,分为初级、中级、终极三种阶段。,2013-03-12 15:29:18,下载1次
aix-5l-v5[1].2-system-user-guide-communications-an - This book describes the following communications applications: Mail, Message Handler( MH), Transmission ControlProtocol/ Internet Protocol(TCP/ IP), Basic Networking Utilities( BNU), and Asynchronous Terminal Emulation( ATE). It provides overviews, concepts, and procedures on receiving and sending mail and messages, transferring files( ftp command), printing files from and to a remote system, running commands on other systems, communicating between local and remote systems, and customizing the communications environment.,2007-05-10 20:06:02,下载4次
foxpro-command.rar - 本人经过收集整理,并且经常使用的一些vfp命令,可作初学者快速入门使用。,2007-05-10 19:59:48,下载17次
article-regex-primer.rar - Java Regex Primer Since version 1.4, Java has had support for Regular Expressions in the core API. Java Regex follows the same basic principles used in other languages, just withdi erent access methods, and some subtledi erences with the patterns. This primer is aimed towards developers already familiar with regex in other languages wanting a brief outline of its support in Java. It may also be beneficial to developers learning regex if used in conjunction with detailed documentation explaining the construction of regex patterns. Reading the javadoc forjava.util.regex. Pattern is a must to see how the Java regex patterns aredi erent from other languages such as Perl. Most of the functions discussed herin are from thejava.util.regex. Matcher class with a few fromjava.util.regex. Pattern. Reading this text in conjunction with the javadoc of those classes is advised. ,2007-05-10 19:56:55,下载1次
Regular-expressions-simplifypattern-matching-code. - Text processing often involves matching text against a pattern. Although Java s character and assorted string classes offerlow- levelpattern- matching support, that support commonly leads to complex code. To help you write simplerpattern- matching code, Java provides regular expressions. After introducing you to terminology and thejava.util. regex package, Jeff Friesen explores many regular expression constructs supported by that package s Pattern class. Then he examines Pattern s methods and the additionaljava.util. regex classes. In conclusion, he presents a practical application of regular expressions.,2007-05-10 19:54:00,下载4次
plsql-help.rar - The intended use of this help manual is a quick reference guide as it is not fully inclusive of all elements of the PL/SQL Programming Language. Please refer to the PL/SQL User s Guide and Reference for more information.,2007-05-10 19:49:32,下载1次
netbios-doc.rar - 关于netbios各端口的详细说明 英文版本,2007-05-10 18:19:00,下载9次

YIXIN_W5500 模块配套资料.rar - w5500模块电路图,w5500模块编程手册,和51单片机,stm32例子。
LAN.rar - TMS320F28335的W5300和串口数据转换程序
VOIP.tar.gz.gz - Voice Over IP Phone - implementation in fpga - 基于FPGA实现RS232传输,代码有注释,共四个模块,方便实用
LaSaNewNB_M88E1111_TCP1000mhz.rar - 用FPGA,基于M88E1111芯片实现的TCP/IP协议的千兆网,将协议封装成IP核 - 用FPGA语言,基于W5300芯片实现TCP/IP协议的网络传输,将W5300部分程序实现IP封装,只有输入输出管脚和时钟,复位等管脚
W5300_EXTPHY_REF.rar - W5300参考原理图,一直在用,很实用,可以用在单片机、FPGA的电路设计开发中,希望有用。
pcm.tar.gz - 在FPGA开发板上实现通信中PCM30/32系统的时分复用,编码,解码,串并行转换,以及同步识别
pcm.rar - 基于FPGA的PCM编码器与解码器的设计
eathnet.rar - 百兆以太网mac和mii的vhdl源程,作IPcore的时候非常有用
mdio-md.rar - 目前以太网PHY芯片是通过总线MDC/MDIO,但是基本上是通过MAC芯片直接管理的,本代码实现了通过FPGA管理PHY。即由FPGA完成MII管理 - 10/100/1000M以太网MAC解决方案,是IP核的相关说明,利用ALTERA的FPGA设计,QUARTUS软件为开发平台。 - 实现FPGA与W5300 芯片的百兆以太网通信 ,实际项目中应用很多
HDLC_E1.rar - E1到HDLC转换 实现E1到以太网 E1到HDLC转换 实现E1到以太网
HDLC_VHDL.rar - 用VHDL实现从以太网到并行数据以及从并行数据到以太网的HDLC成帧解帧.附详细代码说明,方便阅读.可方面移植到Altera及Xilinx等厂家芯片,是做基于FPGA的以太网设计的好资料
rtl8019.rar - rtl8019以太网通讯,通过FPGA控制
eth_send.rar - 清华大学sdr项目,网口代码。Verilog编写。很实用。希望大家喜欢。
EPM240VHDLVERILOG.rar - 大量的Verilog和vhdl源程序学习cpld好资料 - 特权同学的VGA实验程序,是学习EPM240不可多得的入门程序!
layman-Fun-FPGA.rar - 这是特权同学的《深入浅出玩转FPGA》光盘资料,很好的东西 ,请大家收藏。
