
注册日期:2009-01-22 21:18:48

VerilogCodingStylesForImprovedSimulationEfficiency - This paper details different coding styles and their impact on Verilog-XL simulation efficiency.This paper details different coding styles and their impact on Verilog-XL simulation efficiency.,2010-01-19 22:24:01,下载4次
SystemVerilogImplicitPorts.rar - The Accellera SystemVerilog language[3] includes two new features designed to remove much of the tedium and verbosity related to building top-level ASIC and FPGA designs from instantiated sub-blocks. These enhancements permit one of two forms of implicit port connectionsThe Accellera SystemVerilog language[3] includes two new features designed to remove much of the tedium and verbosity related to building top-level ASIC and FPGA designs from instantiated sub-blocks. These enhancements permit one of two forms of implicit port connections,2010-01-19 22:21:35,下载5次
SystemVerilogEventRegionsRaceAvoidanceGuidelines.r - The IEEE1800 SystemVerilog Standard includes new event regions primarily added to reduce race conditions between verification code and SystemVerilog designs. The new regions also facilitate race-free Assertion Based Verification (ABV). This paper details common Verilog verification strategies and how the new event regions facilitate construction of race-free testbenches using new SystemVerilog capabilities. An in- depth explanation of SystemVerilog event regions is included to help understand how race- reduction goals have been met. Important design & testbench coding guidelines are also included.,2010-01-19 22:17:49,下载7次
jibengongtestbench.rar - testbench的基本写法,双口ram,双端口的编写 ,2010-01-19 22:10:50,下载17次
36.rar - PowerPCB教程简介 欢迎使用 PowerPCB 教程。本教程描述了PADS-PowerPCB 的绝大部分功能 和特点,以及使用的各个过程,这些功能包括: · 基本操作 · 建立元件(Component) · 建立板子边框线(Board outline) · 输入网表(Netlist) · 设置设计规则(Design Rule) ·元件(Part)的布局(Placement) · 手工和交互的布线 · SPECCTRA全自动布线器(Route Engine) ·覆铜(Copper Pour) · 建立分隔/混合平面层(Split/mixed Plane) · Microsoft 的目标连接与嵌入(OLE)(Object Linking Embedding) · 可选择的装配选件(Assembly options) · 设计规则检查(Design Rule Check) · 反向标注(Back Annotation) · 绘图输出(Plot Output) 使用本教程后,你可以学到印制电路板设计和制造的许多基本知识。 你不必一次完成整个教程,如果在任何时候退出后,下次直接找到你要进入 的部分,继续学习本教程。 当你完成了本教程的学习后,可以参考在线帮助(On-line Help)以便得到更多 的信息。如果你需要附加的信息内容,你可以与PADS 在各地办事处或代理商取 得联系,以便得到更多的帮助。 欢迎使用PowerPCB进行PCB设计!,2009-01-22 21:25:01,下载39次
Embedded3.21_21.rar - VxWorks体系下PowerPC860处理器串行总线设计,2009-01-22 21:22:19,下载4次

近期下载 - (PIPE) PHY Interface for the PCI Express Architecture v2.0 - Jul 21, 2007
AMBA interface parity AHB APB AXI4-Stream v2.0.rar - 介绍Amba总线4.0中AXI的标准。AXI总线由xilinx提出并在其芯片大量使用。
PCI_E_Base_Specification__3.0.rar - PCIE标准spec 3.0 分层描述PCIE - PCI Express document - PCI Express协议中文说明,非常实用
PCI.Local.Bus.3.0.rar - PCI Express Local Bus 3.0
eetop.cn_PCIe.rar - PCIe体系结构导读,适合初次接触PCIe总线的人对PCIe整体结构的学习
PCIe的原理及结构体系.rar - PCIe的原理及结构体系,很好的学习PCIe的书籍
PCIE总线协议绝好的入门中文教材,.rar - PCIE中文规范协议特别适合初学者掌握pcie协议
AMBA总线规范_中文版 - AMBA总线协议,中文版,值得学习的一份资料
amba_Introduction_Taiwan.rar - 一个台湾工程师写的关于AMBA总线的较少文章,内容相当不错,包括了一些AMBA总线规范中不曾明确提出的概念!
AMBA_3_AHB-Lite协议中文版.zip - AMBA_3_AHB-Lite协议中文版
AMBA 4 APB Protocol Specification.pdf.gz - AMBA 4 APB Specification
AMBA_cn_V1[1].0.rar - AMBA总线规范_cn_V1[1].0-中文翻译 - ARM公司 amba总线协议, REV 2.0 , 有需要的可以下载
AMBA-Specification.rar - amba specification version2.0
AMBA规范 繁体.rar - AMBA Introduction to AMBA Bus System
Hi3519V101.pdf.gz - HiSilicon Hi3518V101 brief datasheet
VESA-DMT-2013.rar - VESA标准显示时序,有像素数据解析,适用于视频处理编程参考。
VESA Timing标准.rar - 查看标准vesa timing规范,便于显示器产品开发
